Jan 16, 2007 09:11
Considering I spent NYE 2006 as a crumpled, emotional wreck (really wasn't worth getting my hair done for that), 2007 has got off to a damn good start.
My flat purchase is going through nicely. There don't seem to be any problems (so far, touch wood, fingers crossed etc etc) so I should be able to get the keys at the very beginning of next month. I cannot wait to move in and be somewhere that is totally my own. Much as I love my family, living at home is now driving me crazy. Thank goodness for my CBT training, or I'd be straight back to the Priory with a whole new set of problems!
New Zealand is all booked and ready to go, and I'm currently very nervous and very excited in equal measure. The only slight hitch is that I have to spend all night in Singapore airport on the way back, as by doing that I could get a cheaper flight. The way I see it, it doesn't matter how exhausted I am when I get home, and less money spent on flights means more money to spend on cocktails while I'm there!
One of the reasons I felt so bad on NYE last year was that I'd put a lot of pressure on 2007 being a fresh start, then I got to 31st December and realised that, actually, 1st January is just another day. Things don't just change overnight. However, I do feel that the new year came at the right time - it means that I can work on putting all the crap that happened in 2006 behind me and really take responsibility for my life. I don't think that life can ever be perfect, but it certainly won't get anywhere near on its own. If I can remember when I wake up each day that it's the choices I make that will determine whether or not I have a successful day, I think 2007 will be a great year.
Also, dear readers, watch this space for flat-warming party news. There will be lots of them, each with a carefully chosen guest list, because the flat's too small to fit everyone in at once. There will, however, be lots of champagne, although sadly only cheap champagne as I'll have to wait until I qualify or make partner to be able to afford the good stuff!