Oct 16, 2006 17:07
Aaaargh!! Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who could just tell others to shut the f*ck up and get over themselves. But, at the same time, I shouldn't let such things get to me. Over the past couple of months I've had it drilled into me that we and we alone are responsible for how we feel. That seemed a rather odd concept at first, as it's so easy to say "but so-and-so made me angry" or "what s/he did made me sad". The truth is that only we decide how we feel, no-one can make us feel anything, and how we react to any given situation is totally within our control. For my part at least, assuming total responsibility for how I feel and act is both a frightening and liberating concept.
I've now been on Prozac for nearly a week, and the side effects seem to be calming down, which is good. They take a couple of weeks to kick in properly though, so only time will tell whether they'll actually help or not!
Aside from the drug habit, overall things are pretty good. I had a very enjoyable day in Cambridge yesterday, seeing Madeline, Jon and Leila. The low point of the day was probably almost passing out on the toilet floor of the Anchor, but I'll put that down to the meds and some mild virus I seem to have picked up! I'm still occasionally laughing uncontrollably to myself as Madeline reminded me of the time when Simon Keynes just couldn't seem to get on his bike and fell into the gutter outside the Fitzwilliam Museum. It was probably a had-to-be-there moment, but now I can't get it out of my head!