Sep 29, 2003 23:10
I went to the doctor today...and she said I have to go to Seattle for a laprascopamy *I don't know how to spell it.... :(* it's the surgery where they put a camera in you :(
I'm extremely nervous, not because of surgery, I've had surgery before...but because I'm allergic to antesthetic.... I know that the doctor's will know about my condition this time, so at least I won't run the risk of dying *as HIGH a risk that is* but I'm still SO nervous... oh man, it's so scary to willingly put yourself in a situation that you might not survive *wanting to cry*
On a good note, I have a lot of "get wells, and I hope you do ok's" which is REALLY nice, so thanks everyone...I'll be expecting flowers and get well cards and phone calls when I get home :) haha
I'm watching Little Shop Of Horrors *DAMN RENAI FOR NOT SEEING IT, EVER!*
The plant is trying to bite the woman's ass at the radio station hahahahaha
I'm going now...bye bye