Sep 02, 2006 18:38
is gone! After much heart searching - and about two years too late - I asked the local council for permission to fell the fig tree in the front garden and it was granted - after my submitting a scale plan and my reasons for its removal. So, on Thursday the nice man came with his saw and sledgehammer and did the deed. The roots have broken the side wall by the front steps and cracked the front wall and the trunk has pushed a piece out of the metal railings and the root spread was just too big to be dug out, so it was cut down to ground level and then poisoned. So, I shall have to wait until the whole thing is dead then dig it out bit by bit. I shall have to investigate what damage has been done to the main drain, which runs under the garden, too. It's so strange to look out and not see the tree, but, with luck, I shall be able to grow things in the garden from next Spring without them being choked by the fig roots. Meanwhile, I'll plant Spring bulbs so that there is some colour to lift our spirits at the end of the winter.
The Furry Princess has triumphed again - lost another 250gms in weight, so that she has lost 1.8kgms, quite something for a small furry person. I'm so proud of her and how I wish I could emulate her! As I write, she's at my feet asking for her (late) lunch, so I must oblige!