I'm gonna smack that old lady!!

Nov 03, 2009 07:24

So let’s see Halloween weekend was ok. It started off on Fri with me arriving at William's school so he could attend the party after school. We went for an hour because it was also after school soccer day. The party was all kinds of crowded and crazy but I got through it and we finally made our way home after soccer. I ended having a stray kid to take home as the parents of one of William's class mates didn't realize the school needed to close at 5pm.

The next morning was the parade, party and hunted house here at our complex. I was responsible for getting the dunkin donuts which I did and then set up. I think it was a success. The kids that did come had fun and I hear everyone loved the haunted house. In the past we have had it in the late afternoon with a much better turn out. But this year they went with a morning start. Better for me anyway. William then got ready quickly to have his soccer league photos taken. After that lunch out and then made our way home so he could be picked up by my brother to go to Westchester for my nephews party and Trick or Treating.

Him gone left me free to go to Rocky with Ron. We didn't perform we haven’t done a Halloween show in years but Ron was a Ghostbuster in the preshow number. They did thriller with all of this years dead celebs. It came out great! Then Nick and Ron in full Ghostbuster regalia ran down and chased them all away at the end. Before and after Rocky Ron and I took the trains and walked the streets to see and be seen. My costume was not all that exciting as I didn't get one this year. I wanted to but since my Dad is still in the hospital I didn't think William would be away what would be the point if I didn't go out? But he did go so I went with my Ensign redshirt Star Trek outfit I wore to TCJ. Of course Ron's Ghostbuster costume got a lot of looks and talk. So it was a fun time. Anyway back to Rocky well not much else to say there we left shortly after pre show.

Sun William was dropped off at noon. I decided to let Ron sleep and chill for the day and took him to see Astro Boy. It was good but I was tired so it was hard for me to stay awake. William loved it. After the show it was about the dinner hour for him so we made our way to McDee's. The problem was Broadway was way crowded with Marathoners and spectators. And McDee's was crowded with people many waiting to go pee. And of course my kid had to go. He couldn't go at the theater could he!! Anyway we waited on line. About 5 in front and then about 5 behind us. One older non English speaking woman right behind me kept poking me to move up. Like the couple of inches between me and the gentleman in front of me was going to make that much difference. Sorry to offend but REALLY why to non English speaking people touch and poke. This has happened to me before. Like you don't understand me so it's ok for me to get my point across by touching you. Ummm NO my kid gets in trouble at school for doing that why is it ok for you to??? Anyway she did it twice I finally yelled at her whether she understood or not. She finally stopped. Anyway after food we made our way home and got William to sleep.

I suppose it was an ok weekend. I had fun. Some photos below. Click on any to see the whole gallery.

William as The Clone Wars Commander Cody

Ghostbuster on a train!

Ensign Red shirt ready to die!

Me with Uhura

Who you gonna call?

Ghost Busters!

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