Howard Dean and A Rod in the same week...

Feb 09, 2006 15:51

So I haven't updated in a really long time. I actually even thought about switching to Xanga because a lot of my Duke peeps are on there.... But I don't really want them reading my blog anyways cause than I can't talk about them. Not that I likely would, but I like having that option here!:)

So last Tuesday I came home and my roommate is telling me that some Presbyterian student group that he's involved in can't meet in their usual location that night. Their usual location is a place downtown called Satisfaction (no it's not a strip club) which is a bar (that has outstanding pizza and great beer specials) that a lot of Duke folks freqent. So he tells me, the reason they're not going to Sattie's is ... because ... get ready ... Howard Dean is going to be giving a speech there. (This is the same night as teh State of the Union address) I'm like, No way.... Howard Dean - chairman of the DNC - at Satisfaction. If you had ever been to Sattie's, you would understand my extreme surprise. But you can imagine.

So, wondering this to be true, I call Sattie's and sho nuff, THE Howard Dean is going to be making a speech there. And it's free. Not wanting to miss an opportunity like this, I put on my Bush-Cheney '04 campaign T-Shirt, called up Michael Jackson (One of my buddies here is honest-to-goodness named Michael Jackson) and we were off. So we go to Sattie's and I get all kinds of looks. A couple dudes said I had a lot of balls coming to a Dean event wearing my Bush gear. A few people asked me why I was there. At the end of the evening I got interviewed by a dude who was there covering the event for Winston-Salem's newspaper. Before the speech, the pregame talkers said, and I quote, that "ALL Repbublicans are thieves and liars." To which I responded by standing up, pointing to myself, and shouting, "That's right! I'm a THIEF and a LIAR everyone!"

So finally Dean showed up. He didn't give a trademark scream which was disappointing. I was actually kind of impressed at his stage presence and how good of a speaker he was. (Of course I'm speaking of form, not content.) I heckled a little bit, it was a good time.

We stuck around for the State of the Union address. Of course all the dems. did too, and their collective ignorance was astounding. The trash that came out of their mouths isn't worth repeating here, but let's just say that I found it extremely ironic that these are the very same people who claim Bush is unintelligent and inarticulate.

So Saturday Duke played FSU. We BARELY won. But Alex Rodriguez was there, and was about 20 feet in front of me as we walked out of Cameron. So I started chanting, "Yankees Suck! Tigers Rule!" repeatedly. It was also a good time.

The end.
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