email to jack about a idea i had yesterday

Mar 16, 2006 16:13

Good Afternoon Sir

I am a 25 year old gamer.i have been for close to 20 years now and i have been keeping up on this anti game movement that has been happening.while i dont agree that goverment should step in to parent the child because that is the parents job.But i also have the belief that if parents do not want to parent their child then i think they should inform child services and simply tell them "i dont want to parent my child" now im well aware there are parents who know what are in these games.I Myself own all 3 gta games along with roomate has a x box 360 with the game condemned which is even more violent then manhunt and gta and the warriors combined.I do agree video games are becoming more and more violent.But television is also becoming more violent.Have you heard of a cartoon on g4 called happy tree friends and friends? Think of looney tunes with the violence of gta.Why is no one regulating television or music.But i do believe there is a solution to helping parents.

I thought up this little idea Yesterday When a parent goes into eb games or a gamestop with a child to buy a game and lets say the child who is 5 years old and he wants to purchase manhunt.I've seen parents who will simply put the game down on the counter and then basically ignore the cashier when the cashier tries to inform that parent that it isnt a game for that fact i heard one parent basically say "i dont care whats in the game my child wants cool games and not kiddy games"
So to help the parents out with that i say have a little tv near the counter with a ps2,x box i wont use gamecube because that really is a childs system.So if that parent wants to purchase manhunt for that child then the clerk gives her a quick view of the game and shows her whats in the level 2 sickel kill where you rip out their lower area from behiind.or the level 3 hammer kill where u slam it up their jaw snapping their neck.

To me it seems like it would show the parents whats in the game and they would no longer have a execuse when they try this "i had no idea what was in the game"

Your idea on this sir?
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