I'm trying to clean out all of the extra crap I have laying around my room so it will be easier to pack for college and also so that my room will be easier on the eyes for the parents who have to pass it by much more often than I will have to. I got rid of three trash bags full of clothes. I don't understand why I keep shirts from middle school and 9th grade that I never even wore all that much. I also keep old binders that seemed to be in allright condition, but really they were just gross. I kept artwork that I didn't like. One thing that I have trouble parting with is magazines. I just won't throw them away unless it's Seventeen or something equally uninformative. I keep getting Seventeen magazine even though I stopped ordering it years back. It's amazing how they just cycle through the same articles every few months.
"Am I Normal?"
"When Boyfriends Get Abusive"
"Everything You EVER Wanted To Know About Your Period"
"I Was Bullied"
"I Fell For Some Online Scam"
I also found a stack of old mix cds. They all were pretty repetitive but I was pretty pumped when I found one of my favorite Queen songs on one mix.
Khashoggi's Ship
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I mean TAKE A GANDER at these lyrics
We really had a good good time they was all so sexy
We was bad, we was blitzed,
All in all it was a pretty good trip,
This big bad sucker with a fist as big as your head,
Wanted to get me, I said go away
I said kiss my ass honey,
He pulled out a gun, wanted to arrest me
Anyways. I found like 12 unused balls of yarn that I never knit into anything... cool. Keep that. Wooden platform sandals from Aeropostle circa 2003. Not keeping. Interview magazine with James Franco cover. Keep! 90% of receipts from 2007 purchases... Not keeping.
Christina and I went to hers grandmother's place in Marshfield the other day which was nice. She heard back from her roommate after 2 weeks of silence. Her name is Hong Phong Zu or thats what it sounds like. I still feel like I have quite a bit of time before college but I don't really. People are leaving but it doesn't feel like it's for long. It is.
I feel like this Passion Pit album I'm listening to isn't that good at all. I got to give it a chance though.
Oh, P.S. I got glasses! Weird.