Nov 15, 2002 18:27
I've been thinking alot lately. Sort've, secluding myself. Taking time out to think about everything, people, places, things I've done, things that have happened recently. I just needed a refresher. I think I'm feeling alot more confident about who I am. which is always a good thing. not to mention I cleaned my room and cleared about 125 shirts, 89 pairs of pants, 12 hats, and 39 pairs of shoes that I no longer a)wanted, b)needed, c)fit into. So hooray. I donated them all to the salvation army downtown. :)
Nobody's here right now, so it's just me, Friends(on WB), and some Ore Ida Fast Food French Fries that I've got baking in the toaster oven.
I haven't exactly figured out what I'm going to do tonight. Thinking of going to the football game at a local HS around here, but it occured to me that I have nobody to go with. Maybe I'll just hang around the rest of the evening with my Friends on T.V. ;/
although I don't really want to..
eh. if anyone reads this..please, save me from my boredom!
I'm online - IM me and let's make some plans!
;) Hil