Here's Today's Random Big Lebowski Quote: "...nor that she has been banging Jackie Treehorne, to use the parlance of our times..." - Maude Lebowski
I got Yoshi's Story this morning! hooray! and it's the cutest thing ever in the whole world and i might die of cuteness...teehee...but i don't get the system of moving up levels without being able to see the whole level? and i suck and always fall into bottomless pits and all of my yoshi's have died already cause i'm a bad person :( i mourn them and their cutietude....*sniffle* i guess i can go back and explore levels once i've won the game? or i just have to collect less fruit? i'm not really sure....oh well...i have to get used to it again, it's been a while...
god it's a cute game...baow
You are WILD AND CRAZY KIDS. You couldn't get
through life without a little fun... or a neon
colored t-shirt. You are a team player and
really into Omar Gooding. GO YOU!
Which old school Nickelodeon show are you? brought to you by
Quizilla I was going to put my "Hot Boy Kiss" result in here, but then it turned out to have a picture of two naked guys kissing...and well, fucking i suppose...i thought that was rather hot---I MEAN i decided to exclude it...but i'm the Passionate "In the Moment" kiss, in case you were wondering...
Your Energy is Pink. You have achieved a perfect
balance between spiritual awareness and
material existence. You are usually
affectionate and warm, showing compassion and
love for others. Others find you genuine,
cooperative and friendly. You are a
humanitarian and you possess a deep
understanding of life. You may aspire to
philanthropy, or you may find yourself heading
or volunteering for agencies that create change
for the good of the whole. You are a leader
and are willing to take on much responsibility.
What color is your energy? brought to you by
Quizillamuch less naked...grood