Dec 07, 2005 21:24
Hah. Great fun. Morello asked us to do hasty improv for auditions.
ratty, scawny, dirty English ruffians saying a nursury rhyme. "prO-jeCT-ING" of course.
Half the people were like."ooooh british accent time, i should just use that to my advantage and 'forget' to act. than i can just say a stupid nursury rhyme in a crappy accent and basically screw myself.yep"
i love that the people who are like. "Oh! yea. im basically the best actress ever-" actually sucked to the point of hilariosity. If Morello casts them...
I did some super speedy-improv and did mary had a little lamb. while pretending to steal it and also trying to look dirty.
i may have been foaming at the mouth.XD
Stupid Chardonnay. I almost bulldozed her alive.
"Well' i cant stay long Jarvis needs me. I told him id treat him to dairy queen. Desy- i have a very imporant delivery for you to do.*pushes out bosom*i want you to get my poor baby from the band room so i can comfort him.*starts rapidly trying to have sex with random friend* so bring him bach here and we can have a couch orgy.*leads other friend to the couch and says*"ive missed you bitch.* preforms random sex act.* gross.
Plus i didnt get to argue for any of the photos i liked. i had to go audition.
I was not at all happy with the results. some stupid fucks (the rest of the editors) decided that this peice of crap photo with some kid in the forest that was red or some shit was worth putting in.
Bitch Puh-LEASE
they really are crap at judging.
Thank god Chardonnay left early. All of her choices were utter crap.
Best part- Folgers call out number of photo/art to be judged- it happens o be taylors. almost everyone raises their hand to add it into the 'keep' pile. chardonnay looks around like shes trying to convince everyone that it should be thrown to a pack of razors. her gaze finally rests on me, when she gives me this"youre only voting for it becuase your friends look" and i give her a "you only arent voting for it because your clearly still hot for her and dont want to admit that shes more talented than you could ever aspire to be" look. Stupid arrogant rude person.
I hate it when people try to make themselves superior.