Questions, questions

May 18, 2006 13:47 that five questions meme is floating around and it's been two days of making up questions for friends of mine. Which is cool. I got no issue with thinking up questions. But everything else..EVER... has got me thinking.

Everyone who's asked me to think of questions for them falls into one of three categories. Level 1, 2 or 3.

Level 1 friends are people I know and like, but haven't ever gotten that close or open with. That makes comming up with questions hard. Because I'm not close enough to them to know what they're into. Hence I don't know what to ask them about. Nor am I close enough to them to ask them the real personal questions.

Level 2 friends are great for this kind of thing. They're people that I know and have hung out with and have a level of closeness with, but who I'm not super tight with. That's perfect, because I know enough about their life to have openings for good questions, and I know just how comfortable we are together so I can hit just the right level of personal in my questions.

Level 3 friends, those who I am closest to have their perks and their problems too. Perk being that I can ask them just about anything. Problem being that I probably have asked them everything, so coming up with a question that I don't already know the answer to can be tricky. Nor can I shoot for really boring questions, because I should know these friends well enough that I could come up with good questions. There is pressure there.

Man I think too much. Still gotta get five questions for gore_whore_5....

friends, deep thoughts

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