Dorky Hotties does a Theme of the Month deal. This month is show and tell. I'm showing and telling and crossposting it here because I like saving stuff to my journal too
Show and Tell!
Planned to do this before now, but I've been going a little crazy around here, I'm about to move this weekend, but I took a moment in the midst of all that to take some pictures to join in the show & tell.
Like, I assume many of us, I had a really hard time picking what to share. Five hundred plus movies was a thought. Five Hundred Plus Graphic Novels was better. But I figure I should be specific. And double up. Because you really shouldn't over specialize, right?
Started when I was 15, bought my first sword out of a catalog that I cannot, for the life of me, remember the name of. I do know the company went under a while back... Been buying blades ever since. As I got into theater and fight choreography the focus obviously switched to stage blades.
Now, with pictures. I do apologize for the lack of quality in these photos, like I said, I'm 36 hours away from moving and everything is a mess, but I wanted to photo everything as I got it packed away.
Four rapiers. From Left to Right, Three from
Rogue Steel, including a custom job for number 3. The last one is from the now defunct Scottie Armory. (The guy was a dick, I'm not surprised he went under)
American Fencing Supply, Baltimore Knife and Sword, Rogue Steel, Baltimore Knife and Sword,
Starfire Swords for the last three
Katana and Sabers
Top --> Bottom: Baltimore Knife and Sword, Stage Steel, BKS, Starfire, BKS, BKS
My lone smallsword, made my
Lewis Shaw Daggers (Technically not swords, but part of the batch)
L->R Rogue Steel, AFS, BKS, BKS, Starfire, Starfire
Crossed: Scottie Armory, Rogue Steel
And my non-stage blades
Which are...well...what they are. Included in there is the Duncan Macleod katana, and a pair of lightsabers from Master Replicas.
Green Lantern
My other crazy obsession. I'll let my photos do most of the talking.
(There are 13 Green Lantern shirts in this picture. One is missing.)
(Why two GL patches? Because of shipping. Ebay, man, $4 shipping on a $2 patch)
(The Graphic Novels, naturally)
(Two different masks)
(Me, last Halloween. I was dressed like that all day. Went to a rehearsal and walked around downtown Bethesda.)
And of course....the ultimate Geek Statement, the 100% declaration of eternal devotion to this fandom.....
The tattoo. Don't get much geekier than that, am I right?