My list of goals, checkin' in.
1) Become a Certified Teacher with the SAFD (Summer 2010) -- Working on it. Working on it. Right now I'm trying to get more choreography and workshop gigs
2) Do Hundred Pushups to completion -- Fail at this specific thing, but I'm actually in really good shape and have some great workout goals in front of me, just not the hundred pushups.
3) Start taking Martial Arts classes-- I should get on that
4) Learn all the words to "It's the End of the world as we know it and I feel fine" by REM -- Work in Progress
5) Teach at a college (even if it's just a workshop)-- I need to do a mailing...still
6) Choreograph for a professional theater - Again, need to do a mailing
7) Meet
shadowcat410 -- In the books, on the calender, going to happen! Woo!
8) Bench press 135 lbs, free weights. Why 135? Because that's one big plate on each side. -- Working on it, but I'm not sure how to increase the amount of weight I can press beyond what I'm doing. I've got my reps up, but I'm nervous about jumping up the weight on the freeweight bench with no spotter. I don't want to get squished
9) Round out my stage weapon collection. 2 of everything (I'm actually not that far off from this...) - I'm not pushing for any weapons right now, but my eyes are open for a single handed broadsword and a smallsword
10) See my six pack again: -- Getting there. I've lost most of the weight, I think I just need to build up the muscle bulk.
11) Attend every SAFD regional workshop at least once -- Nationals are down, I'm teaching at Carnage in the Corn again. I'll have to try extra hard to do Beach Bash and March Madness
12) Set up a work space where I can fix and clean my weapons.-- I suppose I could use the office, once it's no longer purple
13) Get another tattoo: -- DONE!
14) Find 10 more easy to make recipes that I enjoy (0/10):-- a side effect of the whole "Single again" thing is that you find yourself cooking very rarely. Still, I should poke around and see what I can find in this dept.
15) Be able to do a handstand for at least 20 seconds-- Still building my core strength.
16) Write 3 articles to The Cutting Edge or The Fight Master (0/3): No progress
17) Check this list every week: Yeah, that didn't happen. I'll never get this one taken care of. Just too much going on.
18) Attend Renn Faire every summer (0/3): Plan on it. Might go this Sunday if D doesn't mind me tagging along and I've got plans to go the weekend of the 20th.
19) Learn enough about putting up shelves to be comfortable putting up shelves. --DONE!
20) Watch all of Rome:-- Danielle has it, I just need time to do it.
21) Watch all of Battlestar Galactica: Waiting on Season 4.5 to be released.
22) Watch all of The Sarah Conner Chronicles: I've actually decided not to do this, since it was canceled after a season 2 cliffhanger ending. I don't need more unfinished things in my life.
23) Do something for every Halloween: I guess we'll see.
24) Do something for every Anniversary: I'm actually unstriking this. I still think I should do something on those days. Just not the sort of things I'd orginally planned when I made this list.
25) Do something for every New Years: -- Wow..I hope so.
26) Ditch the clothes I've been hanging onto since High School simply because they fit.: Working on it. Got a whole box of stuff in my bedroom that I'm donating
27) Get my heath checked every six months (blood pressure, cholesterol..stuff like that): Got "tested" a couple months ago. I should probably look into getting a physical sometime soon. Just take a look under the hood, see how things are working.
28) Leave a random note for a stranger once a month.: Left one at the transportation museum in North Carolina. Need to do one this month if I go somewhere interesting.
29) Learn to sew: no progress, anybody out there want to teach me?
30) Keep my new car clean: Outside is clean, some trash could be chucked and some odds and ends could be moved out...
31) Teach Gun-Fu at 3 regional workshops. I'm booked to teach it at this years Carnage in the Corn, does that count? I taught it there last year and this goal did not specify if I needed to teach it at 3 new workshops or just 3 workshops in general.
32) Save up for and buy a Mini Laptop:Done
33) Write a review for every new movie I see: So far so good.
34) Watch The Godfather Trilogy finally (0/3): Danielle actually bought the first two at Target the other day....we should make a night of that...
35) Put everything up on the walls and ceilings that need putting up. Getting there. I got a couple pictures/paintings that need to go up somewhere and a lot of wall space that could have stuff on it.
36) Save 10% of every paycheck: Working on it. Played a little retroactivly on this one.
37) Give money to every street performer who doesn't annoy me. I've not actually passed any street performers since writing this....I should probably get out more.
38) Get my GM credit card balance to zero: Working on it. Making good progres, actually
39) Replace the damaged Babylon 5 discs. (Hello Ebay!): No progress
40) Learn and polish 4 new monologues (0/4): No Progress
41) Have a movie marathon with friends once a month: Hmm, I should do that.
42) Have friends over for dinner once a month: See above
43) Clean and polish my stage weapons every two months, weather they get used or not: That was part of my plan for today, but then suddenly I had to work. So no go there.
44) Visit my far off friends. I got one trip planned columbus day weekend. I should really figure out who else I need to visit (Aside from Jane, obviously).
45) Set aside one day every 3 months to do nothing but look for new places to solicit work from and then send them stuff. I suppose I'm due for this again.
46) Teach 4 more private classes(0/4): Hm. My desire for a social life is messing with this goal.
47) Go through my book collection and ebay the ones that I no longer am interested in keeping: I still have a box of books that need to go.
48) Help
boobiequeen with 5 of her 101s (0/5): I think we got some of that taken care of.
49) Read all the Harry Potter Books (0/7)
50) Organize my desk area: It looked good for a couple days there. Then fell apart again
51) Pick up some sharpening stones and keep the non-stage blades around here sharp: So far so good.
52) Make a website for my fight work: Ideas brewing, but no real progress yet
53) Re-read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series: No progress.
54) E-mail a "catching up" message to an old friend once a month: Sent one just last night. Win!
55) Make 5 attempts to tell my parents the things I always want to tell them (1/5): One attempt made a while back. I don't know that anything will happen anytime soon, they're going out of town for a while.
56) Stop using being exhausted as an excuse when I just don't feel social.: This has been easier on a number of fronts, one being that I REALLY DO want to be more social. So, I'm doing great on this one
57) Do a heavy work out (at the gym, to exhaustion) 2 times a week Three this week, look at me overachiving.
58) Do a light work out (a few sets of hand weights or crunches or whatever)2 times a week -- Again, that punching bag and my hand weights see a lot of use. Sunday and monday, if memory serves.
59) Have a photo shoot with Kayce as my subject:
60) Have a photo shoot with me as the subject: I have learned that I'm not so good with the self-photography thing.
61) Uncover and rewatch all those old movies from when I was a kid that I didn't get at the time.: Working on it. Got one on the way from Netflix as we speak.
62)Take a picture of myself once a week and post here.: I'll post one of the failed self-photos tonight, just for fun.
63) Invest in a few custom tailored dress shirts (because no off the rack dress shirt actually fits me, short guy, wide shoulders, but thin in the middle): Another thing I should start looking into
64) Organize my accessories (belts, earrings, rings, bandannas, etc): Done
65) Do not eat fast food more than once a week, try for less: Failed big time for a while, then succeeded big time for a while. My weight is still way down and I'm looking good, so I guess I should just keep up what I'm doing.
66) Set aside time to be with Kayce
67) Pack lunch 3 times a week: Fail.
68) Learn a new style of weapon combat (might be hard to do...I know quite a few): I've picked up some Escrima drills, but I'm not sure that counts
69) Resume my quote gathering Working on it
70) Take joint protector pills every day for 3 months, note changes: I should do that.
71) Find myself in need of more/new business cards: I'm sad to say that I can't find my box of buisnes cards
72) Never be late with my car payments: So far so good.
73) Make a Graphic Novel Database (Not sure how that's gonna work...:-\) Still not sure... I need to look into the sites that were recomended to me.
74) Go running on a beach First I must go to a beach.
75) Make time every week to meditate Not every week, but I'm getting better. Now that I have a rediculous ammount of floor space in my bedroom, I've got the perfect location for it.