Jun 15, 2009 08:26
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, 2009
Directed by Patrick Tatopoulos (mostly a special effects guy before this)
Netflixed, watched with Heather yesterday.
Hm. It's alright. It's not great, but then I don't think any of the Underworld films have really been "great". Too many plot holes and breaking of their own rules. And with each subsequent chapter, they make the mess bigger. And if you're the sort of person who pays attention to the plot lines, character developments and story....it gets a little jarring.
And of course, the problem inherent in all prequels is that you know what's going to happen. You may not know how we get from point A to point B, but you do know who's left standing when the dust clears. So victories tend to ring hollow, sacrifices tend to lose their shock value and you know who to place your bet on.
That being said, as a stand alone chapter this isn't a terrible movie, it just doesn't really deliver. Again, the laws of diminishing returns seems to have stuck with this trilogy. Each one is subsequently a little more awkward than the one before it.
Michael Sheen, however, deserves special mention. He really acts his guts out in this film. Well done sir.
Would I own it? Maybe. If I saw it for like $5 somewhere. I might pick it up. Maybe
2009 movies