5 weird habits
Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I check my email, myspace, lj, ect in a specific order: MySpace, Xuqa, Facebook, LJ, Yahoo, Hotmail, ASU, Blackboard. Then if I am not busy repeat the order at least twice.
2. I get obsessed with single foods or flavors and it is all I eat for days.
3. I don't like to answer my cell phone but I love getting voice mail and text messages.
4. My musical theatre obsession is out of control, i make list of Tony winners by year and then try to memorize them.
5. When I'm at a stoplight I can't stop checking my rearview mirror.
Tagged, If you would :
makeluvnotdrama katethebug ,
scarybunnylady ,
femmearchetype ,
I saw this meme going around here you talk about 10 people without telling anyone who they are. I liked the idea, so here it goes. As a disclaimer, if you think any of these are you ... you're probably wrong.
1) I have a huge crush on you. I look forward to your posts and blush when you comment on mine.
2) I am so lucky to have you in my life.
3) I wish you would post more.
4) I am jealous of how many people comment on your posts.
5) I stalked you on lj for months before adding you.
6) I wish you lived here.
7) Sometimes your posts piss me off.
8) You are everything I'll never be and that drives me crazy.
9) I once had huge a crush on you. Somehow I finally have moved on. I just don't care anymore.
10) Thank you.
P.S. I'm not revealing the answers to these.