Mar 22, 2006 19:48
i'd like everyone to notice my mood lol
today was bad. we had pictures for all the clubs and stuff.. and hillary looked like cRaP. but everyone did so oh well. but still. i was like hurrr hurrrr :-D!
oh lord blake looked so good today.. his hair was up and he had his glasses on.. when i saw him i had to like stop dead in my tracks lol. of course he was mean to me so i didnt get much time to look at him because i had to go back to being immature and pretending that i don't see him. ;-).. i started crying after he was mean though!! i'm glad madeline walked up when she did or he so would have seen me. gRR. what a booty.
OH PEOPLE. there is this black girl in my lunch that hates blake because obviously she once had a class with him or something and he was mean to her (shocker).. and waiting outside in the lobby and she was talking to her friends and me and john martin (aka.. JAMMER!!) and looked at me and was like do you ever look at your boyfriend and regret even being with him? or wait.. is that like an everyday thing for you?.. i was like WHAT THE FUCK! and she was like ha just asking and i was like you're fucking stupid and john martin was like leave hillary alone she has a black belt in being a bitch. and after i heard john martin say that i just had to laugh lol.. it was so funny. but the girl really made me mad.
it was so pretty outside today. i wanted to ride. i didnt get to do that though. instead i went running.. i went to work out too so im like dead lol. oh well. i have a project due tomorrow.. but i don't want to finish it at all! argh. mama isn't home tonight to make me either. her and bruce went to church in new orleans for a special lent service. i shouldve gone i guess.. but i got the ashes and gave something up so whatever. not much else i can do lol. well kali's calling me.. i'm out.. peace peacin yo!. gah i'm so hip.
have a great night guys!