(Important question at bottom)
Thanksgiving was alright. I was originally going to help my roommate a good bit with preparing his Thanksgiving meal, as he was doing most of the cooking for his family. Unfortunately I worked Wednesday night, and he was pretty much done with the preparations when I got home. I helped him a little Thanksgiving morning, and he rewarded me with breaking one of my cups. Oh well. I made pumpkin ice cream, which was alright. Went over to my parents house, and had Thanksgiving. Everything went okay I guess. My cousins weren't too out of control ignore family let's play Ryan's Wii and stuff. Food was good, had some okay conversations, nobody had any fights or anything. Had to listen to a prayer before eating of course, but I can deal with that. My cousins had made some stupid/funny videos that they showed me. I told them to put them they could put them on YouTube, and they wanted me to show them how; but I kind of drifted out of that as I'm not sure my aunt and uncle would appreciate me putting their kids out there on the interwebz. I stayed a little while after everybody had left, talked a bit more about Black Friday plans with my parents and sister, but then I too left and came back home. My roommate was already back, and we chilled for a while, watched some t.v., looked at black friday ads a few more times(online, we didn't get mailed any :( ). Started to make lists, but then decided to half ass it, though I took what list I had. Later we both decided that we were hungy, and both our Thanksgivings foods were all at our parents houses. Soooo, we went to Taco Bell, which is like our holy land. Awesomely, it was open, and it was also about the only fast food place open, so I guess we got lucky. Went back and hate, hung out some more, and then about 11:00, we headed off to camp out at Best Buy.
I was initially thinking we were going to hit the Rogers Best Buy, I don't know why. But we hit the Fayetteville one, as it has Circuit City, Wal-Mart, and Target all nearby. So, we got to Best Buy about 11:30, and we were in it for the long haul. It was twenty degrees when we were leaving Siloam Springs, but we found out later it got down to twelve degrees, as one of the news stations did a little thingy there. Going to look online to see if I can find any video of it. Now I love the cold, and I rarely wear gloves or jackets. People think I'm a freak for that a lot, but I always mention that most of the time, people aren't in the cold for very long, basically just from their cars to less than a minute of walking to whatever building they're entering. If I was outside for several hours, I might consider wearing a coat. Which I didn't even one a coat coat until a couple of weeks ago, just a few light jackets I had gotten for Christmas gifts. But ever since seeing Boondock Saints, I decided I wanted a peacoat, and my roommate had been wanting one as well. I'd looked online a few times, and gone with my roommate to the mall looking at them, but of course they're generally exepensive, the cheaper ones online... we're online, and I kind of didn't want to buy one online. The one I liked best was at Old Navy, but I looked at Fayetteville's Old Navy, and they didn't have any. When we went to Tulsa a few weeks ago, my parents made me look at Burlington Coat Factory for one as I had mentioned it before, even though I mentioned several times I didn't want to look there that day. They were of course a little more expensive and not quite as likable. Anyway, a few days later my mom called me to tell me that Old Navy was having a 40% off sale, and this time I went to the Rogers one with my sister, and they had some in. So I ended up finally getting one(also grabbed a sports coat while I was there, as I could get both for cheaper than the peacoat regular price). I told my roommate later that day, and he ended up getting one as well(in Fayetteville, which apparently had them in stock now, possibly because Old Navy was doing lots of commercials with them in it). Though ever since I've gotten mine, I've seen them everywhere in different stores. Guess they're really popular this year and when I first started looking, it wasn't the season for them yet.
Anyway, I told you that story to tell you this one. I stood outside Best Buy for five and a half hours, with my peacoat, and I was really freaking cold. Now I don't get cold, but I was cold. This is mostly my feet's fault, as my socks were pretty thin and my shoes let air in, and if my feet get really cold I guess the rest of my body gets that way. My roommate likes the cold as much as me, and he seemed even more ill effected than me. Anyway, we arrive around 11:30, and of course people are already there. I guess the guy at the front of the line said that when the store opened, he'd have been there for twenty-seven hours. There were lots of tents of course, up to just in front of us. Our position was just a little off the sidewalk. Shortly upon arriving, having no gloves, layers, tent, chairs, etc. we realized we were screwed. Probably about 12:30, Jason decided to walk to Wal-Mart and come back with warming supplies. Whilst he was gone somebody else from the group behind us had come back(possibly from wal-mart) with these things you shake up, and put in your pockets, as they generate heat and warm you. I was hoping Jason would bring back those, but alas he eventually came back with two small blue thin blankets. So I walked over to Wal-Mart myself, used the restroom, and looked for these magic pellets. But alas, could not find them, so I walked back. I did hold my shoes up to the air dryer thingy at the bathroom at Wal-Mart though, it helped a little bit. Anyway, got back, opened up my blanket, and kind of sat indian style with it wrapped around me, plus an extra wrap around my feet. Although probably not all that great, I hold the belief that that blanket probably saved my life, or at least some toes from falling off from frostbite. Anyway, about 1:30 I see people moving forward in line. I had heard something earlier about how all tents had to go at 1:00 or something, so I thought perhaps this was it. I guess it wasn't, and I never quite figured out what it was. I awakened(sort of, he wasn't actually asleep) my roommate(who had cocooned himself in his blanket, both of our blankets were now covered with woodchips by the way), but immediately after the sudden forward movement in line, the other side of the line(we were lined up at the side of the building, but this line continued on of course by this time, like so
(Best Buy)__________________________________________________
(sidewalk/line)---------------------------------------(round thing with tree/us)---|
(small roadway/parking lot) |(people
|line bridge)
(continuation of line)--------------------------------------------------------------------
But immediately after it happened(the sudden odd line moving forward thing), people from (continuation of line) ran over to the sidewalk and tried(mostly succesfully) to merge with the line on the sidewalk. At first we just saw many of them start walking over, and we went what the hell, no cutting. Then madness and boom, everyone was all in one line on the sidewalk. While technically closer to the door, as I started walking forward while it happened, I was actually much further. As there was about fifty people in front of us when we got in line, but as all those people merged and cut, we were condensed and now there was about 125 people in front of me. I saw my roommate get up from my new position, and walked around the line, then I saw him up ahead a little bit later, a good bit in front of me. So I get out of line, walk around, and join him. Our new friend Juan and his buddies who we had previously talked to a little bit had recognized Jason, and told him to get in front of them. So we ended up getting into about the same position as before. Juan told us that if anybody else tried to cut, he'd cut them, and he pulled out a little knife/shank. A lady next to us said she was a lawyer and that she'd defend him, and I said he has witnesses, the guy stabbed himself in back. So we were prepared now.
Anyway, the line gradually moved forward somehow, until we actually just rounded the corner of the building and could see the entrance. Best Buy people's started coming out and saying different things, like doughnuts and coffee were coming. Donuts did come, but never to out great upsetness, did the coffee. I don't drink coffee, but I must reinerate the coldness, and would gladly have taken some. Anyway, despite the great coldness and slow passing of time(possibly worse than before as we were all standing close to each other now, prepared for more cutters), we kind of had an alright time, I mentioned whiskey a few times, and really wished I would have had some. Best Buy started handing out tickets for the big items at three, and I could have probably gotten anything I wanted, but I didn't this year. The last hour, particularly the last fifteen minutes might have been the slowest. About ten minutes before opening, most of the Best Buy employees came out clapping and stuff, and said some things. Couldn't really hear them, but they ended with the 'Woo, Pig Souey' thing(which is an Arkansas Razorbacks thing, which I'm sure pretty much all of you all are unfamiliar with), which just kind of pissed off the crowd. Anyway, they let us in in waves, and... they cut off the first wave right at Jason and me. On the inside. Last two people in the first wave, boojah. Anyway, madness in side of course, but Best Buy was laid out well and they and their staff were very well prepared. Jason and I were mainly there for movies, and we quickly found the bin of $4.99 movies, and then the stand of $14.99 tv shows. I grabbed my 2gb memory card for my camera(unfortunately compact flash and not SD, SD tends to run cheaper and is the more carried and popular type). We quickly scanned the aisles but apparently my shopping senses failed me. I found a few things on sale that weren't in the ad, but later that day and today Jason kept mentioning different things he saw on sale that I never did(ninja turtle 3pk and die hard 3pk for $8 a piece for example). Anyway, I had Jason look for my blank dvd-r's while I found my printer. Found it I did, but didn't see it out on display, or even labeled. So I asked someone if that was the one on sale, and they said it was. And then made me feel stupid by saying there was a big spot for them somewhere, which I hadn't gotten to. Anyway, while we both like BestBuy and probably wanted to look around more, we decided to book it... kind of. Just like last year(which I only had to wait about an hour and a half to get in for, as I got there at 4:30, but it was much much warmer), the checkout line was big. But, it moved pretty quickly actually. Some Best Buy people's were doing trivia questions, and tossing out t-shirts to the winners. Unfortunately they moved to the back just as we were getting to the front, so we didn't get any.
Warmed up in the car a bit, and then fifty yards away to circuit city! Parking was much harder here as it was no longer 11:00 at night(at Best Buy we pretty much got the closest parking space to the doors) and Circuit City's parking lot is much smaller. Anyway, we get in(Jason went in the online pick up entrance, but I sorted him out) , it's much slower moving than Best Buy, much more poorly laid out. We're both Best Buy people over Circuit City people, and this greatly illustrated why. They really weren't prepared I think, and I never got asked if I needed help once. We saw lines at various places that didn't seem to move at all, and no displays of sale items. We went to leave, and Jason had walked out the door when I noticed some tables with baskets on them full of movies to the right of the entrance/exit. I caught up with him and we went back in, and started looking. They were fairly picked over, but we grabbed a couple of things. Jason was particularly looking for Season One of House, MD(me as well, we both got season two at Best Buy), and he asked a lady who had just picked it up if they had it in there, and she said(kind of to herself) 'Season One of House...' and then she walked away. Soon after that though Jason had the brilliant idea of just going to the regular shelves to get stuff, as nobody had touched them. They were disorganized as always, but we found pretty much everything we were looking for. Stood in a line for a while, then switched to a different line which actually moved, then we left.
Warmed up a bit in the car, then off to Target. We get there... and it's madness. It's probably seven or so, and we saw the checkout lines wrapped all the way around the store. We navigated a little bit to the movies, never saw any special displays or anything, but then we quickly decided to get the hell out of there. Onwards to Wal-Mart. Much less insane, but seemed like it had been picked over pretty well. But then, kind of hard to tell as we never say any displays here either. We saw some carts that had some movies in them, but there were no labels and they had some other stuff too, so they might have just been somebody's carts, or non-sale items. So we got out of there, and went to Denny's. Got there, Davin called and we talked to him a little bit. The food really wasn't that great, but they were really busy. I got pancakes with cherry topping, and I think they were probably slightly undercooked.
Anyway, we get home, probably around ten or so. We spotted Jason's mom on the way, and she followed us back here. We chilled for a short while, but then we both went to bed. I got on the computer for a little bit first, but I probably got an hour of so of sleep mixed up with some half sleep stuff. Because I'm a heavy sleeper, but Jason whispered 'Hey dude' about 5pm, but I was coherent enough to hear him and get up. So we went to his mom's and ate leftover Thanksgiving foods. We then watched Borat and then the 40 Year Old Virgin. We had previously discovered that they had overcharged him on his copy of 40 Year Old Virgin, and my copy of Terminator 3. Also, though we tried to seperate, I had ended up buying both mine and his copy of Big Daddy and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Came back to the apartment, where I pulled up Buy.com's specials, where I ended up buying more stuffs, and my roommate did as well. I meant to watch a movie before I went to bed(Hocus Pocus, not a movie I got Black Friday, but something I've had for a couple of months and still hadn't opened, I ended up watching it tonight), but I got hooked on trying to find Narnia books for my siter, which brings us to...
Important Narnia Question
A few weeks ago my sister bought a couple of used Chronicles of Narnia books at the library. She's tried to find the rest of them in the same edition she just got, but hasn't been able to, so she's asked for them for her birthday/Christmas. I don't have many other ideas, so I definitely want to try and get these for her. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the exact editions thus far. The kind she wants has C.S. Lewis written in silver on the top of the cover. They look exactly like this:
http://www.harperchildrens.com/coverimages/large/0060764929.jpg I can find the paperback version of that easily, but she wants the hardback versions of those. I have found some leads and bookmarked some sites where I believer the sellers are selling that specific edition, but I thought I'd ask you guys before I went around contacting different sellers. I know some of you like Chronicles of Narnia, and might have some insights on good places to try to find exact editions. Or good ways to find ISBN's of the rest of the books in the series. I borrowed one book from my sister to help me locate the others, and using it's isbn ( 0-06-088482-7), lets me easily locate the hardback correct edition of that one, so if I can find the isbn's of the others, it should make searching either. Or I could just e-mail some amazon sellers, I guess that's really not that hard.