Happy New Year 2012!!! Reflections and resoluations

Jan 06, 2012 22:01

Happy New Year!!!

6 days in already and I've been meaning to post my New Year's resolutions and retrospect of 2011 for 7 days already.  Oh well!  Big year!  Here's the break down!

January (copied from my February 2011 LJ entry)
- Spent 2.5 weeks of the month being sick. Whatever that terrible virus was... it hit me twice in the face! 
- Sent out a few job applications. No words back. *fail*
- Got progress on thesis
- Decided to get my C.S.C.S. certification again... @__@ studying
- Had a super fun Christmas party
- Worked Adult Entertainment Expo for the BF and his band
- Disneyland with the BF!

- Dad has TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack aka mini-stroke) - in the hospital has surgery
- Freak out about life for my brother and me
- Get rejected from not 1... but 2 Foo Fighter secret shows! Was too late in line (but also got trolled the 2nd time)... dumb security line counter brought up my hopes T_T
- Do a super cute photoshoot as Tinkerbell with Gilbert!

- Honestly don't remember anything except studying for my C.S.C.S. exam and finishing up my thesis
- Oh ~ start sewing PGSM costume with @kerorii sometime around here...
- Sew a Mulan commission

- Defend my thesis!
- Done with grad school... finally! (life kept getting in the way of my finishing)
- Go to Royal T with Tiffy and win a costume contest as best "pop" costumes in Buono's Rottara Rottara outfits
- Life starts getting better O_O

- Cut off my hair 14 inches!!!
- Angela's bridal shower
- Happy graduation @kixies!
- Happy graduation BF!
- Enjoy the NEET life
- Sew a Meduka costume
- Watch a bunch of animu
- Super fun Fanime-con!!! lots of cosplaying! O__O
- Super awesome photoshoot with @kerorii as PGSM by @ziggy
- Star Wars concert with BF
- Start a Tumblr
- go to Sela Ward's house as a guest with the BF as their band plays a show there

- Happy graduation @kanojochan
- Take CSCS exam and kick ass!!!!
- Go to a few job interviews and land the full-time temp job for Plus One Fitness at Fox Studios
- Bruno Mars concert with @tognar cause my bro couldn't go T_T
- Italy for 2 weeks with my bro!

- Anime Expo! Come back really blackenise from Italy lol. But wear Meduka costume
- Immediately start working at Fox right after coming back from Italy
- Happy summer wedding Angela!
- Happy birthday ME!!!!
- Sewed a Supergirl costume
- San Diego Comic Con! Had a blast. Look cute.
- OC Fair w/@kixies and @cowboybibimbop
- Go to Unique LA in summer
- Start working contract at St. Jude's

- Happy birthday @kixies @kerorii @mine bf!!! - go to Magic Castle to celebrate birthdays
- Interview for some jobs
- BF officially finishes MBA and freaks out about life lol

- Sign up for LA Marathon
- Last month at Fox, but kept on as a substitute afterwards
- Happy Wedding Matto!
- Awesome nighttime photoshoot with @raidr
- Join a running club
- Start training for a half-marathon
- Start indoor rock climbing again

- Happy birthday @teahabit! Super fun bday times at Disney Halloween Haunt
- Start pole dancing again
- GO TO TAIWAN and love love love it!!!
- BF gets a job and stops freaking out lol
- Get offered the job I want!!!
- Did not spend Halloween w/the BF for the first time in forever!!!

- Run a half-marathon in less than 2hrs 30min (my goal) yay! [ in norcal! ]
- Officially start my first day of work at my job
- Happy birthday to mine bro
- Go to PMX and sell lots of junk with @kixies and Tiffy
- Win Best ID craftsmanship at PMX in the best skit ever!

- Unique LA
- Eileen's baby shower
- Become crazed over Bath and Body Works lol
- Officially start teaching pole dancing classes
- Go to Royal T with Tiffy @kixies @muralasa to see Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

And here I am. Sitting in my apartment... leeching internet from an unsuspecting neighbor who didn't password protect their wireless... lucky me!

I also realized I didn't write resolutions last year down so I can't reflect on them... but I did have an entry about things to ponder ~ which included : Thesis, CSCS cert, and job!!!

I accomplished all 3! Plus more!

Here are some quick resolutions for 2012.
1. Complete the LA Marathon in less than 6.5 hours. (New job means I haven't been training the past month! *failing)
2. Run a 2nd half marathon
3. Grow my hair out again
4. Sew at least 2 costumes off my bucket list
5. Save money!!!
6. Use up my make-up and lotion before buying more!
7. Be awesome at my job
8. Continue to work out and not get bored at times!

Cheers 2012!!!
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