Dec 30, 2008 03:25
1. Buy less clothes.
2. Sleep earlier. Pre-midnight.
3. Study more. Work on stuff every weekday.
4. Graduate in May.
5a. Get a real job?
5b. Pay off bills
6. Run a 1/2 marathon
7. Go hang-gliding
8. Call friends more and stop being such a recluse
9. Respond to emails... quicker.
10. Research PHD schools for realz
and i guess that 5 things meme that karrie took from steph...?
what i learned in 2008... without detail, cause i'm lazy and it's 3:33a
1. It really doesn't bother me what other people say/think about me
2. How to write synopses and an annotated bibliography
3. I can work 50 hours a week and not die
4. I really hate pants. Really really hate pants. i knew that before... but really learned that a lot this year.
5. More important - Hire personality. You can train job positions... but you can't train personality.
semi-lame learns... but oh wells. that's what i learned.
a post with content? that's ub-SURD. yes. that's how you spell it.