(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 15:30

Pairing: LxOC

ok so this is based on a deleted scene from L Change the World where Matsuda talks to L after kira is caught. In the original scene L is going to die in 23 days after writing his own name in the notebook; but in my version it's just that the kira case is over. oh and sorry I couldn't come up with a better title. I'm saving all my good ones.

Matsuda stood silently in the doorway to L's apartment. There was nothing different about it. It's not like he'd expected there to be a huge banner saying "We caught kira!" and party balloons but was it a sin to celebrate even a little...?

L's back was to him. He was still hunched over, crouched and barefoot ontop of his chair. The flatscreen computer infront of him, he lifted his entire arm up and down stiffly when he typed. It looked so silly- kind of like if Frankenstein had used computers.

The desk he sat at was like an island in a sea of paperwork. Case files, police documents, binders stuffed until they looked like a seventy degree angle when laid flat... All piled ontop of eachother until it looked like even breathing on them could set the skyscraper of documents crashing to the floor.

Matsuda was pretty sure that Ryuuzaki knew he was there but the only sound in the room was the clack of the keyboard as he worked.
In one hand, he held a white cardboard box from the nearby cake shop.

The door closed behind him as he stepped inside, walking up to the desk and holding the box out infront of the detective. He paused in his typing and first looked at the box, then up at Matsuda.

"A farewell gift after solving the case...? Thank you." he said in his usual irritatingly dead pan voice as he delicately took the cake from Matuda's hand.

He put it in his lap, immediately opening it and removing the sweet, placing it on his desk. He put the box farther back and out of the way and briefly sucked the frosting off the edge of his finger.

As he took the strawberry placed on top and popped it in his mouth, Matsuda walked behind him and began looking over some of the scattered papers in the room.

He glanced back at Ryuuzaki who had returned to typing, pausing occasionally to take a bite of cake. He was as eccentric as always. Those glazed over eyes staring blankly at the screen, his mouth set in neither a smile or a frown.

As usual, it was impossible for Matsuda to even guess what was on his mind. They'd all risked their lives to bring kira to justice. It had taken a long time and had put their normal lives on standstill. Everyday there was a chance that while walking down the street or researching on the computer they would suddenly drop dead of a heart attack. Couldn't he act a little more happy that it was all over?

He felt frustration like a fist clenched in his stomach and tightening in his throat. He grabbed one of the papers off Ryuuzaki's desk to get his attention.

"You solved the case, didn't you?! Stop working!"

Ryuuzaki tried to take the paper back with his thumb and middle finger (the strange way he held things...) but Matsuda jerked it out of his reach. Calmly he attempted again but Matsuda evaded him. As Matsuda began to speak it seemed like he wasn't even listening, just trying to get his papers back like a kid engaged in a game of keep away.

"Why don't you do something for yourself?! You can do anything you want! Go see a girl, or travel somewhere- whatever! Just... don't pretend like it's not a big deal!" Matsuda demanded.

Giving up on trying to get the paper back he too k another bite of cake, seemingly ignoring him.

But he paused and looked thoughtfully off into the distance as he ate.

".....see a girl....?" he mumbled more to himself than anyone else.

Matsuda stopped and a new mood washed over him- he'd always enjoyed watching Light's romances from the sidelines. It was better than soap operas. He was the type of guy that got excited about gossip....

"Ehhh? Do you have someone in mind, Ryuzaki....?" Matsuda asked, wagging his eyebrows up and down suggestively for emphasis.

Though, on the other hand he had a hard time picturing him with a girl.... She'd probably have to be pretty bizzare. In fact, he couldn't even picture a woman that could be Ryuzaki's girlfriend....or atleast his image of Ryuzaki in a relationship was kind of unbelievable. She probably wouldn't be allowed to know his real name and when they went on dates he would strictly tell her to turn off her cellphone. He'd ask to eat her cake when they went out and sit curled up- probably barefoot even in public places. He always wore the same outfit no matter what the occasion and if he had to wear shoes he didn't tie the laces and refused to wear socks with them. If he liked her, to show his affection he'd probably stare at her with those dark circled, dead eyes and possibly even stick his thumb in his mouth while doing so.

Full body restraints, cameras and bugs in stranger's houses, stalking suspects to their colleges, 24 hour handcuffs? Even though he was just being meticulous with his investigation it wouldn't be too far a leap to think he had strange tastes.

Matsuda decided that on second thought he wasn't sure he wanted to know what kind of woman would be able to put up with him.

"Yes." he responded flatly to Matsuda's question, scooping a bit of cake frosting onto his index finger and licking it off with the tip of his tongue.

Curiosity got the best of him.

"Really?! Ryuzaki has a girlfriend?!" Matsuda asked, grinning excitedly.

He paused, turning his head halfway, a rather sour look on his face.

"Hnn.... 'girlfriend'... is that what you'd call her....?" he muttered.

Matsuda nervously kept talking to try and keep off that subject, "Uh-w-well what's she like? She must be smart to keep up with you."

Ryuzaki averted his eyes back to the computer, his expression unreadable.

"She's relatively intellegent." he commented dryly.

Matsuda paused for a moment. Ryuzaki hadn't seen anyone outside of Watari and the task force really since they'd met him. They'd never seen him doing anything but work.

Already a passionate love story was blooming in Matsuda's brain. A tearful goodbye, L going off to risk his life for the greater good of the world despite the fact that it broke his heart to be apart from her.

"But what's she doing while you've been working on the case?"

Ryuzaki made a sound something inbetween a chuckle and a sigh, "Probably cursing my name from dawn to dusk but atleast she's safe..." he mumbled.

In Matsuda's mind this confirmed everything he'd just imagined about Ryuzaki's secret romantic side.

"Ohh so you didn't bring her with you because you wanted to protect her, right?" Matsuda said in a sing song cheerful voice, sitting down on the arm of a nearby sofa, careful to avoid the papers that were lying on it.

L paused and looked at him, "No. I didn't bring her with me because I thought she'd just get in my way." he explained bluntly, taking another bite of cake.

Matsuda stared blankly for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest. "Well that's awfully cold!"

"The thing is, my 'girlfriend' has a lot of pride. If she didn't say she wanted to come with me she probably wouldn't have agreed to go even if I asked her." he said, using the word girlfriend as if mocking Matsuda for choosing the term.

He was about to argue that a girl probably wouldn't want to have to be the one to ask in the first place but L spoke again. This time he was staring ahead, one hand under his feet. There was something like a warmth in his expression, just a slight smile.

"....but she's awfully cute...."

critique is absolutely NOT desired. encouragement and praise is p: hehe. but I'm not taking myself too seriously so no, I don't need help with my awful writing, I'm just doing this for fun.

death note, fanfiction

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