I cannot wake up today. Went to bed early, overslept, had a lengthy nap... still tired. If I'm getting sick, I'm suing somebody. (Then again, I'm probably due - I haven't been sick this month.)
Had to scan it in pieces and I sort of botched it up. Also, I chopped off Davros's head (it was chopped off anyway, but not *quite* as much).
click for big
The assignment was to take 3 random 2x2" clippings and construct a scene with them, then match the colours. I'm gonna have to touch the clouds and her cheeks up (and ink in a couple of places) as they... well, they don't match. But overall, am pleased with how it turned out.
Note how I've accidentally smeared paint ALL OVER THE PLACE. Including on my shirt, as a rule.
And now I need to work on a project that is due tomorrow, which I haven't even started, and I'm so lethargic I can't seem to care. Argh.