kind of like e.t. when they found him by the river

Mar 23, 2009 22:18

So, as soon as I tell someone I am fine, I cease to be so. Spent the last couple of days having a lovely anxiety attack during which I was panicking over the most absurd, irrelevant, insignificant things imaginable - and the really crap part is that I knew I was being ridiculous, but that didn't stop it. Xanax and breathing exercises work wonders, yo. And I've now converted the new sketchbook into a sketchbook/journal, a combination which I thus far adore.

And I'll not be all emo at you guys any more, I swears, but I will throw artwerks and music* at you in the next few days, probably. And bitch about the effects of charcoal inhalation on the sinuses. Going to try to cut down on obsessive Twittering. My header here is motivation enough for me. SO CUTE.

AND LOOK OMG, I HAVE A MOOD THEME. That hasn't happened in... um, since Pippin. Years, guys, years.

...We can pretend I haven't been missing a gazillion years, right?** Seriously, you guys have to be used to it by now - not that I take it for granted. Anyone who puts up with me deserves to win the lottery - and not some lame scratch-off, I'm talking the Powerball multi-million jackpot.

* - Some of my friends have the BEST TASTE IN MUSIC IN THE UNIVERSE EVER and I adore them for it. I'm looking at you, bibliotech, cincodemaygirl, and mickeyglitter.

** - I have come to accept that I am a flake of the highest order and that I can blame it on being crazy, but I still feel bad about it.

P.S. How the hell are ya?

don't call it a comeback

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