13 images under the cut, including:
L (from Death Note)
Peoples from Saiyuki
Peoples that weren't supposed to be from Saiyuki but look like they were
Coffee pots
Original peoples (including one of the aforementioned not-really-Saiyuki status)
Perspective drawingses
Sanzo in a blindfold with shoutouts
Let me know if any of these links don't work, kthx. They're all in my gallery if you get bored and absolutely MUST see the big.
Click for big!
HEY THERE ARE RANDOM NOTES TO PEOPLE HERE. And I was sleepy, so ignore the strangeness of said notes. So the shading I was doing on Sanzo on the right? Totally didn't work. And the scanner ATE it. It's prettier on paper. His eyes looked creepy on the left one, so I improvised.
The bottom three accidentally look failed attempts at Gojyo, Konzen, and Sanzo. This was unintentional. The top left guy was supposed to be Yuuri (Kyou Kara Maou) but I'd only seen a handful of eps and was at work with no reference.
This is my shiny new character I'm in love with. Give me a name for him. I'm calling him Antony for now. I dunno whether I want him to be geeky or sneery. Probably geeky.
Above character, wanking! Yay. And other guy is the guy that he will be paired with, once I figure out what he looks like. I'm calling him Nik for the moment and he's a con-artist/petty thief/shady character.
This is the coffee area at work. I was bored.
Practising perspective by copying a Death Note panel. I opted not to draw Ryuk. Lines are hard enough, omg.
I am madly in love with L. I like to pretend Raito was really nice and just a little confused and snapped out of that whole "DIE DIE DIE" phase (he's a teenager, after all) then he and L went to pretend-practise babymaking. There's an... er, sort of orange version of this up on my deviantART,
if you want to see.
Sketchy copies of stuff from Reload 5. And an onigiri that is quite clearly pissed off over something.
The upper left was perspective practice using a pic snagged from Google image search... and the rest were scribbled whilst waiting for/talking with friends at Perkins (24-hour restaurant with great coffee). Note the emphatic, profane red bean buns. They are maybe upset over the same thing as the onigiri? I need to stop drawing angry foods.
So, there's Antony again. And some random stuff.
Profile practice. Sanzo's eye is too angled. This and a smattering of these pics were done as exercises from a manga tutorials website (including the inanimate objects above). There are Tori Amos lyrics on Sanzo's sutra.
That guy is supposed to be Nik (aforementioned shady character)... but he looks like Homura. I think? Accidentally. Sigh.
Thanks for looking! *mwah*
Feel free to critique and stuff.
I now have "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" stuck in my head, only with the lyrics being "Sanzo in a blindfold with shoutouts." *facepalm*