Hey everyone! Not that anyone reads this thing anyway...
Things have been going well for me. I still work at R-Galaxy (a comic book store that I do SO enjoy working at, though it makes me no money), I still draw stuff, and I still have a pulse! Wait...*checks pulse*....yes, I can verify that I still have a pulse.
I've also been working on a couple of different projects. One is my own webcomic, which can be found at
http://www.cowhatninja.com ! I try to update it as often as I can...sometimes I end up not updating it due to lazyness. But this is usually cured when someone yells at me to update my webcomic, at which point I will.
Another project is the oh-so-wonderful Gutter Space Magazine!!! We've put out our 4th issue this month, and I'm so excited! The magazine has been going pretty well, and I hope to continue drawing comics for it for as long as I can.
I'm really excited for the Transformers movie coming up next month. I've been really caught up in the hype...
...as you can see.
Also next month, I'll be attending two conventions, Otakon and Comic Con. I get back from Otakon the night before I leave for Comic Con. Oh joy. I'm going to Comic Con with my dear friend JoJo, and there will be much fun to be had, I'm sure.
Well, now I'm off to go draw comics for next month's issue of GS. See y'all later!