I have a little tradition of taking pictures of the food I eat everywhere I go, but since it has been finals!party for the past week, I decided to make it a finals blog too.
Twelve units means three finals, but 3 finals is a lot when you have been slacking off as much as me. Last Friday was the last day of instruction, so I went out for Korean Tofu!
(This is my excuse to start my food blog. Freaking delicious.)
Last Saturday was Day 1 of studying, where all I did was sit around with my anthro study guide and kind of watch Timothy and his friends cry over chem. That night, we ordered pizza, hooked the professional Korean Starcraft league games up to the TV, and enjoyed ourselves. Like nerds.
(Empty pizza plates and cream soda while watching oodles of nerdiness.)
I think a big problem with my room is that even though I have the room to myself (and it is decently quiet. sometimes), I get easily distracted with everything around me. I can't sit at my desk and study because it will lead to Facebooking and AIMing and random web surfing, and I can't lie on my bed and study or else my narcolepsy will kick in. I don't like study areas or study rooms because they are sometimes too noisy (and I don't like studying when I'm around other people), so I've really had a hard time finding a place.
Several weeks ago, I realized that the package room in the housing office was the perfect place. Now, I drag all my study materials, perch myself on one of the stools, and stay there for hours on end. The room is kind of small, it smells like cardboard boxes, and there's a creepy stalker window right next to my seat where people can kind of watch me.
Sometimes, I feel like a crazy person in an insane asylum.
But overall, it's isolated and comfortable enough for me to get some decent studying done.
I bring my food in there and even take some nice, short breaks without any huge distractions.
(Free chili-cheese dog, fried chicken, and Fruit Loops treat from the commons. Arranging fruit snacks to pass the time while studying international stock markets.)
I am currently done with my International Financial Management final and my Anthro whatever-the-topic-was final, and I'm super tired. More mentally tired than physically tired. But not tired enough to see the words swirl on my computer screen or flesh melting off my walls. Yet.
This is what the sky looked like when I went to sleep last night:
(Bright. Oh, so bright. Why so bright? ~ 6:00AM)
Last night, I had a really odd dream that had to do with a princess of this far away fantasy-like place turning into a zombie. The princess' parents were Gods, and the father (the lesser God) had sent me on a mission to find the mother (the greater God) and give her the bad news. I had the ability to get a running start, jump off the balcony of the castle, and fly. The environment was beautiful, the sky sparkled, I could do tricks in the air, and the clouds were like glittering puffs of magic that enveloped my body.
I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my desk at 721AM. My fellow manager, who had pulled an all nighter, was texting me to ask if I was still awake or if I had fallen asleep. Apparently, I'm "horrible", because "we were supposed to have breakfast".
I want to fly again T-T