Sep 12, 2006 16:04
As a reminder (and for anyone who missed the first announcement), the comm's having a banner contest! And you (yes, you) are welcomed to participate. :D Ohpleaseohplease.
The Idea: Make a pretty banner for the comm's userinfo, featuring (of course) Hikaru and Karou and the comm name It Takes Two. Keep it relatively decent-sized and worksafe. Other than that you have free rein.
Deadline: September 15, 2006 (I'm lax, don't worry.)
Voting: I'll make a post with submitted entries and you guys can leave your vote in screened comments.
Prize: Your pretty banner will be used in the userinfo. And your name will be on the profile page as credits! Isn't that exciting? Yes, I admit it: I'm broke college student. You'll have to forgive me my frugality. :<
Please submit your banners to meitachi [at] gmail [dot] com and (IMPT) make sure to note that it's for the comm banner contest. Also make sure I know your LJ username!
If this goes well, we can have an icon and/or layout contest too. :D