Your mod is incredibly bored--which she really shouldn't be with two tests tomorrow she needs to study and prepare for. Instead of that, however, because for some reason she just can't focus for the life of her (my feng shui is bad, or something), she was poking around LJ and went to stare the profile of this comm. Decided she didn't like the banner.
So! I've decided. We're going to have a contest. What kind? A graphics contest. But a simple one.
The Idea: Make a pretty banner for the comm's userinfo, featuring (of course) Hikaru and Karou and the comm name It Takes Two. Keep it relatively decent-sized and worksafe. Other than that you have free rein.
Deadline: September 15, 2006. (Because that's the deadline for my
blind_go entry and I figure if I have to undergo pressure, everyone else can, too! :D I mean, it's all love here.)
Voting: I'll make a post with submitted entries and you guys can leave your vote in screened comments.
Prize: Your pretty banner will be used in the userinfo. And your name will be on the profile page as credits! Isn't that exciting? Yes, I admit it: I'm broke college student. You'll have to forgive me my frugality. :<
Please submit your banners to meitachi [at] gmail [dot] com and make sure to note that it's for the comm banner contest.
If we have a good response to this, we can even do a layout contest! :D The thrill! The excitement! You are totally looking forward to it, right?
Tell me if this is really just a horrible, horrible product of my stress and procrastination. Oh God, I am going to fail my tests. Woe and doom.
I hope there will be many pretty banners to cheer me up afterwards!
Sapphy! You should submit! Or you can hit me over the head and yell at me. Whichever. ♥ You okay with this?