[mod] LJ Strikethrough 2007 update

May 30, 2007 16:15

The mods have come to a decision that hikaruxkaoru will not be self-deleted in face of possible suspension. I've taken the precaution of purging our interests list for the time being and have removed trigger words from our profile page. I have also changed the community's security settings so that all future posts will be Friends Only by default; please do not change this or remove the lock (see Rule #3)*.

In event of journal suspension or deletion, news can be found on a public post in my personal journal: meitachi. The post will go up when the comm goes down, and will contain information on the future of the comm and relocation plans.

Until then, I encourage everyone to not submit to mass paranoia. Instead, take precautions and stay informed.

* For clarification, when you are posting to the community, the default setting on the "Update Journal" page will still say Show this entry to: Everyone (Public). However, LJ will automatically change all posts to Friends Only after you post. Please don't go back and remove the lock.


Related links:
fandom_counts: Join to be counted and show LJ that fandom counts.
Love Meme: Take a break from the drama and spread some love. ♥


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