The true meaning of OTP

May 29, 2007 11:34

I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but this morning wile I was making icons i noticed something about OTP (One True Pairing). One True Pairing, or however you wish to say it, is not OTP's true meaning. The real meaning of OTP is Only Twincest Please. -nodds- Yuppers OTP is not One True Pairing, It's Only Twincest Please. So remember that next time you make an OTP icon.

Here just for you guys:

The Dolls came from the vender's room at Animazement '07 memorial day weekend. And for those who were not there a group dressed up like the Host club and did a cosplay skit, and half way through the twins started making out XD it was joy. You can probably find the Skit on You Tube. Search Animazement 2007.


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