[mod] It Takes Two Icontest!

Dec 06, 2006 18:44

With finals approaching, your mod is doing everything she can to procrastinate...which includes, apparently, pretending to be active in her pet HikaruxKaoru comm. ♥ I love you guys! Do you realize we've broken 800 members? We rock so hard; it's awesome. We'll do something to celebrate for sure when we break 1000.

In the meantime, let's have the icontest I promised after the banner contest.


The Idea: Make a pretty icon for the comm's userinfo!
More Guidelines than Rules
  · features Hikaru and Karou
  · features the comm name It Takes Two
  · no larger than the approved LJ-size of 100x100

· animated or still both encouraged

Deadline: December 28, 2006. (Because I'm doing blind_go again and I found it too funny not to make this contest's deadline coincide again. I mean, I'm not easily amused....)

Voting: A mod will make a post with submitted entries on Friday December 29, 2006 and votes will be left in screened comments.

Prize: Your pretty icon will be featured in the userinfo and your name will be on the profile page as credits. You know you love it. ;) A real prize will be awarded for the layout contest, I promise.

Please submit your icons to meitachi [at] gmail [dot] com and make sure to include the following info:

[subject line] hikaruxkaoru icontest
LJ username:

*you may attach the icon or send a link; either way, the icon itself will be uploaded to a mod's photo hosting account to ensure anonymity for the voting


Next will be a layout contest. :) YAY.

DAMMIT SAPPHY YOU'RE NEVER ONLINE WHEN I'M STRUCK WITH MY RANDOM URGES TO...MAKE CONTESTS. UM. ♥ I'm slinking back into finals-hiatus again, fo'srs. I hope you don't hate me. :x


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