Your dream, my love 3

Aug 07, 2013 15:43

Author : 冬子

Pairings: Gokudera x Tsuna, G x Giotto

Pretty please read these notes after you finish with the doujin  because I have to clarify something on pages 14 and 15.


password: dreaminglove

(Also check out my new tumblr blog where I will post all the translations from now on)

Notes: Page 14 had some words that I felt they were… fragments somehow? The presences of ellipses after the words “life" and “ending" add further to show something unmentioned. They are used to indicate words/thoughts trail off into silence or when a character is in a deep thought about something.

On page 15( which was the hardest for me to translate because I really hope that I understood right)

I didn’t mean to make Gokudera sound insensitive or anything. What I understood was that maybe although he knows the story behind the past generations and acknowledges it , he somehow wants to avert from it because as seen on the previous page with the word “ending" and later with G’s words to Gokudera about not ending up to having regrets, Gokudera might be worrying over his relationship with Tsuna.

I believe( this is just my idea that I came up with after I finished it and has been a head canon for a long time ), that maybe the “life" mentioned was the one when G. and Giotto had together at some point together as a couple, but then with Giotto’s retirement as the Vongola I and moving to Japan, that life had to end because Giotto must have married or else there wouldn’t have been descendents and no Tsuna of course.

At least they could be together in a dream *tears*

Thank you for reading all the way! Hope these little notes have provided a better understanding or a different point of view of the story and characters!
Oh yeah, does someone by any chance have part 2 of this story? The first one is translated by another group, but I have never seen the second one. If you have it, would it be possible to share it with me?

g x giotto, cotton candy, doujinshi, gokuderaxtsuna, g02, 5927, translation, translation notes

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