Damn but this week has been drama filled from folks spreading rumors to others intentionally spreading misinformation not enough sleep and stress from most angles, it's a goo thing I'm already not right in the head or I would be well on my way there as we speak.
I do want to say something tho about my new phone it is a droid eris and a really great phone the place it really lacks is in the keyboard, I have been using this secondhand g 1 iPhone and got used to it's keyboard and my eris's one just feels slow and a tad clunky but until Apple gets a bit of sense and takes the exclusivity contract from AT&T the iPhone will be doomed to it's secondrate network. I so hope a update is forthcoming from google that will improve the eris's keyboard and deal with the lag it ocassionally has when you wake it after it has been asleep for a while.
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