I have said it once and I will say it again, Political Correctness is the work of the Devil.
PC takes away your First ammendment rights, PC takes away your Language.
Remeber the book 1984, it had Newspeak, Newspeak sought to make everyone mindless drones by taking away words thereby making it hard to think and thereby making people mindless Chattel.
Political Correctness does the same, only in reverse. it adds words to make it hard to think,
if what you once knew as a pencil is now a Cylindrical graphite writing utencil, and the paper is now wood pulp derived pressed language medium, after that the average joe schmo will forget what he wanted to say much less be able to use the language.
Policital Correctness also makes it so that you can either deny someone the most basic of freedom, or abuse it. the freedom to Insult someone or be yourself insulted.
Just think if you cannot call the bumbling office twit a, , Bumbling Twit, but have to instead refer to him as coordinationally challenged, and he cannot call you an asshole but now has to say anal orrifice, who suffers, , we all do.
Policical Correctness also breeds, sissymarys, pantywaists, Nancyboys, you know sue happy liberals who take everything to the extreme, who in their own ignorance seek to punist the not not smarts for being not not smart and not just a not smart.
I am reminded of the case a few years ago where someone used [url=
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_%22niggardly%22]Niggardly[/url]in its proper context and ended up having to resign his job because someone else was too stupid to actually know the word and its meaning, or look it up to become enlightned about it, but instead decided to become offended and take out thir metaphorical pitchfork and torch.
Iin a way you can say all slang does this, inner city ghetto talk*, redneckese, ect. but the difference, PR is government sponsored, therefore it has a chance of doing what Newspeak did.
PC destroys language, it destroys thought and now it has begun destroying History, unfortunantly I dont believe, no have the faith in the common man that it will be defeated.
*consequently, I have thought it funny that the majority of the problem with that nasty little word that sounds so much like Niggardly, was the Ghetto slang community, on one hand they decry its use but on the other they sling it about in conversation like a star trek writer slings technobabble, until the communitfy that uses it most ceases, and learns it is just a word and no worse than the things said by them about non members of their community, it will not die.
that being said I still do wish we han an equalliy powerful word for all races, , ,