Ok, Im not a fan of Boondocks, the show or the comic, in fact I hate it, but I watched this,
What if Dr King had lived
warning, some will be offended by the language, but, to say the offensive, and to be offeneded is part of free speech, Political Correctness can kiss my ass.
Anywho, this is my reaction,
That is one of the Very few things I have ever seen associated with that comic that I liked or agreed with, I do believe that in the last 20 years everything that Dr King and the rest of the people killed, beaten, ect fought was for waste, when you look out and see what is now glorified in the black culture, How can you be proud of being a drug dealer, or a theif, or a murderer, the very things the Klan claimed Blacks were,, but one little paragraph wont change everything, it will take hundreds of people saying the same thing Animated Dr King said, to begin a change,
and no, I wont claim that only Black folks idolize those vices, Whites and Latin, and Asian people have fallen prey to that lust for vice, Everone needs to hear words like that, to be shown what awaits them if they follow that path,