More procrastination. >>;
1) Starting time: 12:33pm
2) Full Name: Heathery Gayle ******
3) Nicknames: Hikaru; strawberries
4) School: Um, yes, I go? ^^;
5) Email: Yes, and I've finally got it down to just one account I use! :D
6) Eyes: Hazel (Blue/grey/green)
7) Hair: Strawberry blonde
8) how tall are you? 5'3"
9) Siblings? One younger sister
10) Ever been cheated on: Not that I know of ^^;
11) Ever missed school because it was raining: Hm, tornadoes
12) Had an imaginary friend: No, Fufu is real, I tell you!
13) Wanted to hook up with a friend? Nah, because then they wouldn't just be a friend :P
14) Cried during a Flick: YES
15) Had a crush on a teacher: No
16) Ever thought of animated characters as hot? All the time XD
17) Ever at anytime owned a Guitar album: Yes, but I sucked
18) Ever prank called someone: Probably
19) Been on stage: Many times
20) Shampoo: V05 and Suave because they have really nice smelling flavors!
21) Color: Blue and black
22) Summer/Winter: Spring/Fall XD
23) Online/phone: Online
24) Lace, silk or satin?: Depends on the clothing and the occasion
25) Like anyone? Hardly, but I'm sure there are a few XD
26) Who have you known the longest of your friends: My sister offline (duh); online... probably Mike (that I still talk to at least)
27) Who's the loudest friend you have: Don't know
28) Who's the shyest friend you have: Don't know; I don't think about that stuff!
29) Who do you go to for advice: Fufu, my NONimaginary friend XD
-----------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE YOU------------
31) Cried: Yes
32) Been mean: I hope not
33) Been sarcastic: Definitely
34) Met someone new: Yes
36) Talked to someone you have love for: Sure, in a friendly manner, at least
37) Kissed someone: My kitties :D
38) Hugged someone: Sure
39) Fought with your parent(s): Haven't fought with them in years
40) Wished upon a star: I don't believe in that >>;
41) Laughed until you've cried: No, but pretty close
42) Played Truth or Dare: No
43) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Both, every day almost
44) Went to the beach at night: Don't live near a beach
45) Read a book for fun: All the time :)
46) Are you lonely: No
47) Are you happy: Sure, I'm alive, right?
48) Are you talking to someone online: No, I'm procrastinating instead of working on my Humanities report
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN -----------
49) God/Devil: Both
50) Love: I believe in it as a feeling both familial and romantic, but romantic not for me ^^;
51) The Closet Monster: Well, I have a lot of shoes piled on the floor?
52) The Big Bang Theory: Well, it goes against my religion, but in the scientific half of my mind, I think *something* happened
53) Heaven/hell: Both
54) Superstitions: Nah. I've got about seven black cats, walked in front of a broken mirror, walked under a ladder, yada yada
55) Who named you: Father- first name; mother- middle name
56) Backstreet Boys or N Sync: Well, they're somewhat attractive, but I don't care for their music ^^;
57) when is the last time you showered? Last night
58) What was the last thing that you said when u were online? "I think everyone needs a shower at least once per month. So, I'm off. Bye!"
59) What was the last thing that you did yesterday: Went to sleep. Duh...
60) Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: Ugh, not on a honeymoon! But I do want to go to Egypt, Japan, Scotland, Ireland, London, Greece... *goes on and on*
61) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Myself and my cats XD (and my family, of course)
62) How's the weather: Dry and cold
63) What did you do yesterday: Two cheerleading teams which I coach had basketball games to cheer for
64) Thing(s) that you find attractive of the opposite sex: Brains. A lot of that. XD And for appearance, either very fair or very dark (white-blond hair, light blue/grey eyes, pale skin or black hair, dark blue/brown eyes, tanned skin).
65) How do YOU eat an Oreo: Stick it in my mouth and chew?
66) All time favorite TV shows: Anime! And That 70's Show
67) Dream car? Ferrari F430 (with someone to give me gas money every other day XD)
68) What do you want to be when you grow up: History professor and, hopefully, amateur archaeologist
69) Number(s): 17
70) Favorite food: Any Cajun dish
71) Favorite day(s) of the week? Sunday
72) If you could change your name, what would it be? I'm okay with what I have
73) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I have about four cats who sleep with me instead
74)The most stupid thing u ever done: Um, wow. Probably a lot ^^;
75) First Son's name: Don't plan on having kids, but probably Slade or Sasuke
76) Wife/husband: Shoot me right now.
77) First daughter's name: Aislyn Raye :D (Ayz-lin)
78) Favorite drinks: Pepsi and Cranberry-Grape juice
79) You like scary or funny movies better?: Funny because I get frightened easily ^^;
80) On the phone or in person: Depends, but usually neither XD
81) Lust or Love: Lust if I have to choose
82) If you could change something about yourself what would it be: Not have philophobia
83) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: YES! I worked my ass off for it for over ten years, and the bruises, bloody lips, and permanent pelvis injury are equal to that of any man's sport >_<
84) Do you have pets: Don't get me started... 50 cats, 5 dogs, a hamster, and a bloody friggin' coyote who insists on eating all of the cats' food
85) Who sent this survey to you: Saw it on Mika's LJ
86) What do you think of this person: She is my owner and soon-to-be partner in world domination (if she deems me worthy *_*)
87) What are a few of your favorite songs: Styx's Come Sail Away is my favorite. I like rock, J-rock, and classical
88) what are some of your inside jokes: "YOU'RE stupid!" "No, YOU'RE stupid!" "Well, you're ugly, and that's worse!" >>; Between me and my sister...
89) Do you want your friends to do this survey: Sure, if they want
90) time finished: 1:02pm
Must... stop... procratinating! Ahhhh!