Anyone still here?
So yes, after an unheard of six month (nearly seven actually) hiatus here I am.
Feel free to throw things at me. (Just nothing sharp 'cause I'm allergic to me bleeding.)
I'm back, and I have a new fandom. *_* Anyone heard of North & South? (NOT THE PATRICK SWAYZE MINI-SERIES!!!!!!!!!!) The BBC version of course. It's basically a mix of my all time favorite things.
• The BBC
• Costume Dramas
• Angst
• Hot-Brooding-British Male (with added bonus of gorgeous blue eyes)
• Really Pretty Musical Score
• Eventual Happy Ending
• British Accents
It's a really fantastic mini-series, and I highly recommend it for anyone who likes these kinds of things. (And I'm planning on some picspam whether you like it or not. XD)
Honestly nothing much has been going on with me, besides work. :/ Yes I know I am made of boring. Why do you think I have so many fandoms to which I cling???
Well that's all I've got for now. Look for some N&S fangirling soon. ^_~
EDIT: Please take note of the beauty of my new layout.