Swiped from
inuyashanohime 1. The first character I fell in love with: Ed, i just like his energy! He's got drive and determination, and you can see it from the begining! (his short temper amuses me to no end too)
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Hohenhiem. I mean come on, Ed hates his guts, and he RULES, so you have to sit there and ask yourself, "damn, what did this man do to my fave character?"
3. The character everyone loves that I don't: Greed. i'm not a big greed fan, sure he's a fun character to play with, and the battle between him and Ed is wicked cool, but i just don't feel that same flare of affection for him that everyone else seems to.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: I've got two actually, Lust and Rose. I love the backstory and charater developement of Lust, and Rose learns to stand up for what she believes in more forward.... even if it did get her raped by Hakuro and his icky men... god Hakuro's a dipshit...
5. The character I would shag anytime: Roy Mustang. The man is sex on legs.
6. The character I'd want to be like: Cool and strong, like Riza Hawkeye.
7. The character I'd slap: Noa. Can we say "Drama Queen." I was okay with her till the "take me with you!!" part. I can see the falling to your knees, but falling to the floor?! Grow up hon, you're not two, don't act like it.
8. A pairing that I love: I love the RoyxEd and the HughesxEd! I also enjoy lots of other pairings, but those are my too faves.
9. A pairing that I despise: Um.... WinryxSheizka. Sorry, not a yuri fan... and Sheizka seems a little asexual to me.
10. Favorite character: Ed, definately Ed. He's a just a great hero. The kid was made for it, and he fills the role well.