(no subject)

Dec 26, 2010 21:38


The Mysterious Production of Eggs/Fake Palindromes, Real Palindromes. "There's something special that they're looking for. Unique and defiant of classification. Beholden to no one, wild. Female. This is you." This is seriously just magnificent, 500-some words of (what I read as) an alternate universe, and it reads perfectly with the song, with little verbal tics as nods to some of the other songs. Just go read it, it will make you want more. This is all.

Community, Creative (Non)Fiction. "Abed writes what he knows. And some other stuff, which may or may not end well." Abed writing fan fiction about the study group. The dialog here is just spot on perfect.
History of Film. "I hate it when we do genres. Next time, I at least want some kind of warning." Another spot-on story, with the dialog and characterization. I love all the little genres, and the fact that everyone pretty much just plays along.
Mandatory Futures in Make Believe, Jeff/Britta. "Fake families out of real ones." GUYS, THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD COMMUNITY FIC THIS YEAR. The Dean makes everyone take a family planning class. Wackiness and perfection ensues.
pretty cool, Troy/Abed. '“Maybe Superman just really likes Batman more than the girls,” Abed says, noting more things on his clipboard. Or: plans, not-plans, and a science project involving colorful hermit crabs.' This is a perfect, perfect little story about Troy, Abed, and potentially gay hermit crabs. It is glorious, and sweet, and I love it.
Introduction to Escapology. "The Dean decides that celebrating National Bubble Bath day is his newest brilliant idea. Naturally, chaos ensues. A very special episode of Community." This could, and should, be an actual episode. Bubble baths for everyone!
The Study of Life in the Universe. "Troy and Abed decide to look to the skies for their final project in Professor Duncan's class." This is really a perfect Troy-and-Abed-have-an-adventure story.
The Closest Approximation, Troy/Abed. "It occurs to Troy one day that a lot of Abed's films involve the two of them having sex." Again, seriously, I can't flail enough over the quality of the Community fic. This is seriously awesome. Also, there's a nod to Britta/Jeff/Annie, which made me glee a little bit.
A Visit From Whitman (Or, 'Twas the Day After Christmas Vacation). "When the study group seems to be missing the day after Christmas vacation, Troy and Abed have no choice but to investigate. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is planning something." There is poetry and cuteness and adventures and WHEEEEE.
On a Steel Horse I Ride. Troy/Annie/Abed, '"Road trip," Abed says, nodding approvingly. "One car. Seven people. A country's worth of dramatic situations ripe for both comedy and tragedy."' Every fandom needs a great roadtrip story and a great OT3 story. This is both.
Psychological Factors In Costume Design. Troy/Abed, "Jeff did one uncool thing and now his life is ruined forever. What he needs is revenge on Troy and Abed. Or maybe karmic justice; "revenge" sounds so Old Testament, which really isn't his style." This fic contains THE BEST FLASH MOB EVER, and one of those Community-style life lessons. Also, if Troy/Abed isn't your thing, you can still read this, just skip the last section.
Special Seminar in Romantic Comedy. Troy/Abed, "It was a perfect romantic-comedy moment in a perfect romantic-comedy situation." This story involves a bake-sale, Britta-on-controlled-substances, and a delightful 30 Rock/Conan semi-crossover.

Die Hard, The Day is Saved. 'Sometimes even badasses need a day off. Lucy McClane is going to make it happen or there'll be hell to pay.' Set after Live Free or Die Hard. John, Matt, and Lucy are all bad-asses who just want a normal Christmas.
Chuck Norris and John McClane walk into a bar.... "How tough is John McClane?" A series of vignettes centered around some reworked Chuck Norris facts. It's perfect.

District 9, There's this girl I like. "For Wikus, there is only one reason to make it through." A bittersweet post-movie story.

The Mysterious Production of Eggs (Andrew Bird album), The Red Card. F/M, some disturbing themes. "A palindrome is the same thing backwards and forwards. A fake palindrome just looks that way." THIS IS WHY I LOVE YULETIDE, because things like this exist. "Fake Palindromes" is one of those songs that has a life of its own. The album version is so mild as compared to the wild piece it's become in Bird's live show, and it's a song that's easy to underestimate until you start to tear it apart, and when you do, you wind up with powerful stuff like this. The end.

fic recs, yuletide

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