Camwhores Tutorial!

Aug 11, 2010 14:19

before                                after


• first, crop your icon into a 100x100 picture

• Second, add your coloring effects+textures+everything else

↑ we'll save this with the name (a) as a .png

• now open icon (a) and then go

Filter > Render > Lens Flare

set brightness to (120)
and you can choose whatever lens you want
but i usually go with (50-300mm Zoom)
and you'll get this

↑ we'll save this with the name (b) as a .png

• open icon (a) and once again do the same thing 
but set the brightness to (150)
we'll get this

↑ we'll save this with the name (c) as a .png

and now open (a), (b) and (c) and put them in this order

now to the animation~

• first Hide layer (b) and (c) by clicking on the "eye" symbol next to them

that'll be the first frame

• second, add a new frame and make layer (b) visible

• then, add another frame and make layer (c) visible, now all your layers are visible

• next step add a new frame and hide layer (c)

• add a new frame and hide layer (b)

you'll get this at the end

^ the speed is up to you, i usually like it fast so i set it to (0.1)

• final step is saving!

File > Save for Web and Devices

and we're done!

if you have any questions please ask~ i'll be glad to help


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