Oct 30, 2011 18:36
- Сб, 19:26: Photoset: http://t.co/BQvmmElI
- Сб, 20:54: kinda sad to see 2ne1 getting so much shit everywhere. the saddest part is that when you disagree with it you're an 'elitist blackjack'
- Сб, 20:54: well fuck you.
- Сб, 20:57: i still want @ yabukota but someone took it and never tweeted again.
- Сб, 21:03: i want @ leejinki :c
- Сб, 21:19: bom lost weight. why did she lose weight? stop losing weight!!!
- Сб, 21:27: "take note fellow kpop girl groups: THAT is how you do sexy cute." ur the reason people hate blackjacks.
- Вс, 01:23: Photo: 87directions: http://t.co/EKwG97dh
- Вс, 01:34: Photo: 87directions: Goodbye the Netherlands, Hello Amsterdam! http://t.co/Xc4Gwjyn
- Вс, 01:41: dun curr about halloween omg :c stop it, we don't celebrate here.