Sep 20, 2011 14:55
- Mon, 12:56: 8D @ Kimmerdje is sitting next to me right now!!!
- Mon, 12:56: /forced to say
- Mon, 13:14: なんなんだよ。むかつく・・・このクラスメイトは本当にう財。
- Mon, 13:17: 「薮宏太って何?」君は知ったことではないだろう?!
- Mon, 13:17: やべーーばれちゃったwww
- Mon, 13:18: Kunnen jullie het lezen of moet ik het font wat groter zetten?
- Mon, 13:20: イライラしたああああーー
- Mon, 13:22: Hello from the land of the rising sun :)) - hey sweetheart, having a good time?
- Mon, 18:52: Dreams Come True would be my #1 JUMP song it was a Yabu solo
- Mon, 18:53: Then again, everything would be my favorite song if it was a Yabu solo
- Mon, 21:26: purikuri asked: Nakayama Yuma. loljk. Yahhabu Kowtahhhh
- Mon, 21:47: Kak.
- Mon, 22:24: guess who's back kekekeke
- Mon, 22:46: Today was not so much of a good day.
- Mon, 22:56: [MOD] Moderated posting
- Mon, 22:56: fucking feel like a kindergarten teacher when modding hey_say sometimes. fucking hell.
- Mon, 23:30: bedtime for archie. keke
- Tue, 05:45: Kak.School.
- Tue, 05:47: It's really friggin' cold. Time for warm clothes.
- Tue, 06:37: Not standing up for an eldery is rude, but don't give me weird looks, I doubt granny wants to sit on the wheel :l
- Tue, 07:10: RT @ nataliashh: RT @ CharisseJoelle Ik ben geen ochtendmens, ik functioneer gewoon niet goed voor 12 uur
- Tue, 08:31: Why the hell are @ s00pafly and @ wickedkicks discussing boobs ;;?
- Tue, 08:50: CRAZY? BUT MAGIC POWER!!!
- Tue, 09:05: is it just me, or does this sound like your regular kpop song?
- Tue, 09:12: when i was 14 i thought i would marry @ brendonboydurie haha
- Tue, 09:12: now i'm 20 and still not opposed to marrying him kekeke
- Tue, 09:33: omfg @ s00pafly, why are we even /having/ this conversation? XD