Banner made by me (
hikaridonya) ☆ Please don't steal
It features all the current eeveelutions from Pokémon
☆ A B O U T F R I E N D I N G M E ☆
→ W H A T Y O U W I L L F I N D some fandomy things -- currently all over Star Trek, and The
Big Bang Theory. And also quite a bit of real life stuff. Most notably about my job (technician/customer
service) and my university degree. Though also possibly some sappy, relationship stuff. Though at the
moment I'm on a sort-of-hiatus, as I have a three minute animation to do in less than a year *sob*
→ I F Y O U ' V E F R I E N D E D M E then leave a comment telling me that you have, and also
where you found me. I'd like to know what our common interests are, and so on. I love making new
friends, so chances are I'll add you back right away :D