
Jan 04, 2015 15:08

Wallet | YamaChine | PG | Fluff | 375 words

His breath frosted the glass of the window as he gazed out, watching the dark clouds swirl into the sky, threatening to rain. They’d be given a brief break and he’d taken up a place by the window gazing out at the clouds and at the people below in the street.

A sudden weight against his shoulders and he tilt his head back, smiling at the face he saw above him.

“Anything interesting?” the other asked, glancing down at the younger before gazing out the window.

Chinen shook his head with a grin before going back to stare out the window, leaning his elbow on the sill and resting his chin in his palms.
There was a friendly silence, until Yamada murmured softly, “Penny for your thoughts? You look like you’re thinking really hard.”

The younger one giggled and move his free hand to poke the other boy in the side, leaning back again as he sticked out his tongue. “My thoughts are worth more then a penny~”

“So what’ll it take then?” Yamada tried to scoot away from the finger and failed, twitching at the gesture, though he was smiling all the while.

“Ummmmmm. At least 500,000 yen!”

Yamada’s face contorted as he burst out laughing, eventually getting out, “Even this boyfriend of yours has to pay that much, huh? You’re mean.” He tried to look angry but it only made his facial expression more odd and Chinen was giggling so hard. “Why? You're my wallet after all. And I'm not gonna let someone steal my wallet since it's so precious to me.”

Yamada's face softened, “And I will forever be your butler, Yuri-sama.” He said calmly, hands are reaching over Chinen's small frame, pulling him into his embrace. The younger can only close his eyes when Yamada leaned his face down to catch Chinen's soft lips.

Yabu's voice suddenly called them back. Break was over, and leaning against each other still laughing they headed back into the studio.


This one's been saved in my draft since years ago, lol
Now finally got the time to post it. I edited some, though. It's the wallet part, just because I'm so fed up with Chinen calling Yamada as his wallet on various magazine interviews. Hahaha


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