Deb Aoki of's Manga Section has posted a preview gallery of Go! Comi's new titles for 2008: In particular, I'm interested in:
1) Kurogane Communication - This is a series I was originally interested in purchasing the anime for a few years back, but never got around to it. A female protagonist, sci-fi setting and human/robot interaction definitely pique my interest.
2) Bogle - My experience with the phantom thief genre has been younger girls' fare (St. Tail and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne), so I'm interested to know what makes this an OT book.
I'm not sure what to think of the titles from both Her Majesty's Dog and Tenshi Ja Nai! creators... perhaps I'll have a better idea once I actually READ the books of theirs I have on my shelf? (Stares guiltily at huge backlog.) At least I have some time to play catch up... ~_^
Deb also posted a Viz 2008 Manga Preview Gallery a little while back here: While I pretty much knew about and researched all of these titles back when Rightstuf had their Viz studio sale, the short story synopses above did confirm I made the right choices (for my tastes anyway) via a couple of pre-orders. Looking forward to trying Switch and Monkey High! Honey and Clover was a no-brainer. ^_^