And it's not so much the article/event. It's the comments. The sheer amount of idiots in this country never ceases to amaze me. No wonder the world hates us so much. We're a bunch of ignorant homophobes who can't even quote the god damned Constitution correctly when using it in an argument.
It just makes me so...ANGRY.
The responses on that article are just so...ignorant. It's just so mind-blowing that people think it's okay to be homophobic and close-minded and ARGH. I don't even know anymore! There are people, legitimately educated people, that are talking about how she had no right to ruin the prom for everyone else in that little Mississippi town. And I honestly want to message every single one of them and asked them what the hell went wrong with their minds. She had no right? No right to what, dress how she wanted? Choose who she wanted? Outlawing gay and lesbian couples is not only illegal, but WRONG, and they are saying she should abide by the rules like every other child there? Grow the fuck up. Please.
Everyone in that commenting group, too, are placing all homosexuals in the same 'group' as pedophiles (pedafiles so says one commentor), rapists and criminals. Oh, okay, because those are all obviously the SAME THING. They're saying that majority rules, that the girl should just conform with the majority and decide to be straight again.
And that administration? Really? Canceling a prom, something high schools dream about and wait for, because they were getting sued for doing something illegal? Public schools, and schools in general, are supposed to nurture students. They are supposed to provide an environment for us to grow and learn and become adults that we know we can be. Apparently in Mississippi that means being homophobic.
Not to mention that everyone at that school is blaming her? She did nothing but be herself! If anything, they should be blaming the school district for being the close-minded cowards that they are.
People wonder why Mississippi is the most illiterate state in the United States.
With a school system like that, I wouldn't go to school either.