I am a Tampoline *can't think of a title*

Jul 15, 2006 22:07

HI !

Finally off to Queensland tommorrow.
I'm exicted, yet also slightly scared, being my first time on an Airplane in my 22 years of life and all. Doesn't really help that I have a massive anxiety problem which ables me to make paranoia into an artform. Thank the gods from my meds.
Plus watching Lost hasn't really helped me much either.

Spent the day packing, since we leave in the morning... also spend the whole day drying all my clothes in the drier. *shakes angry fist at the rain*
Oh and I got my hair cut today, it just comes down to my shoulders and I've got a fringe (somewhat) it's getting in my eyes and massivly pissing me off but I like the way it looks so I'll deal with it with time. If not, there's always my collection of headbands.
Finally have a use for them now. Might post a photo of my smexy hairdo when I get back.

And speaking of photos, the main point of this post is to share the photos I took at the Winter Magic festival almost a month ago with my friends.

Throught it was a good idea to get these photos finally up before I bugger off to Queensland for a week. I was attempting to upload them, in five zips file, to my free host Savefile... but for some reason it's suddenly decided to hate me and not work, no matter how many times I tried. So I throught the easiest way was to upload them to my Livejournal gallery (tried Photobucket first and that didn't really work)

Sorry for the massive delay, click on the image for take you to the gallery.
Or Alternativly click here.

One of my favourites :)

Gallery contains about 100 photos completly uneditted from my camera, take which ever ones you want.
Also email me if you have any issues downloading the images.

The video I took of Chris and Lewis being silly buggers can be found here
Last thing I managed to upload to Savefile before it decided to hate me.

So til next time, wish me luck that my plane won't crash onto a mysterious island in the middle of nowhere ala Lost and I won't be eaten by the 'puff of smoke' monster Smoky.

Tata. :)
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