First: A MEME! Snerked from
kira_bouviea Do you snack while you read? If so, favourite reading snack
Sometimes. It depends, really, cos you need hands to read with, and hands to eat with. Sometimes I balance my books open with my cereal bowls on a morning, or prop it up somewhere in front of my plate, but no, I don't usually snack. Drink, definitely. Or eat dinnertime sandwiches...
Do you mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
Mark... books? Huh? Who writes in books?! Of course, on my Lit courses you HAD to make notes, so I would do, but I didn't particularly like doing it. Plus my writing is scruffy. I have a copy of Enduring Love by Ian McEwan at home that you can barely read cos of all the notes, lol.
How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
Urm, I tend to bend down the corner of the page I'm on, but I'm trying to get out of that habit. I use bus tickets, letters, my specs, laying it flat on whatever surface is clear, and those ribbons that some hardbacks come with. I never mark library books, which is all I'm reading these days.
Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
Urm, fiction. Definitely. I read an awful lot of non-fiction books about geisha, and I'm particularly enjoying a book by Charlie Brooker containing all his snarky newspaper articles, but on the whole, I don't read much non-fic. Writing it was hell too. Boo for non-fiction!
Hard copy, paperback, e-books or audiobooks?
Well, you can say that a paperback is easier to hold than a hardback, but if it's a Robin Hobb book, I still get horrific hand-pain either way, lol. Good old tome-sized books, oh how I <3 them! But urm, I'd say paperbacks, cos they fit on my space-deprived shelves much easier. I dislike reading things on the computer (the main reason I've STILL not finished my Hellblazer collection), cos it gives me a headache, and I find it harder to follow the words for some reason. This is the entire reason I moaned so much about all the online articles for my last Language Change essay, heh. Urr, audiobooks I've not had much experience with. I adore my Neil Gaiman Fragile Things audiobooks, but that's pretty much the only one I've heard/got.
Are you a person who HAS to finish chapters, or can you put a book down at any point?
I am irrationally OCD about my reading. I have to finish at a chapter-end (or at a paragraph break if I'm reading Pratchett), and I also like to finish at a chapter that's a 5 number or a 10 number. I don't like leaving it at an odd-numbered chapter, (yeah I know, wtf, right?) and I absolutely HATE leaving it in the middle of a chapter. This is the main reason I spend so many hours reading at night, cos I'm in bed and going "okay, I'll get to chapter 10, blah blah".
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
I don't think I've ever looked up a word I didn't know after reading it in a book. I manage oddly well to deduce the meaning from the context, and I think I always have done (although this also means I'm pretty vague if people ask me to define a word, lol). I think if I was there writing words down all the time, it'd distract me from the story. I hate to be distracted.
What are you currently reading?
Dawn of the Dumb by Charlie Brooker (it's all short articles, so I just read a few if I'm waiting for something), and as of the other day, Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb. Fuck me, I've waited so long for this Hobb book and it's FANTASTIC so far! Hee!
What is the last book you bought or checked out from the Library?
LOL libraries. My best friends! I went down today to return some Batman for Tom, and I came away with four more books. ¬_¬ Geisha in Rivalry, by Kafu Nagai, Empress, by Shan Sa, and the two actual book Hellblazer's I'm on! Whee! I got Fear Machine and The Family Man. I've also currently got out Robin Hobb from home, Devoted, by Alice Bordchardt (cos I didn't know she'd written other things!), Eulalia! by Brian Jaques, and The Magician's Apprentice by Trudi Canavan. OH also, Tyrant's Blood by Fiona McIntosh. Which is next on my reading list, I think.
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time?
I can be in the middle of anything up to five books at a time and not have it affect me.
Do you have a favourite time of day and/or place to read?
Any time, heh. Athough I am partial to reading in bed at night. Although I'm really bad for staying awake far longer than I should with a book... stupid books, such a bad influence!
Do you prefer series books or stand-alone books?
Series, I think. There was nothing better than when I got Dragon Keeper and saw that magical "Book One" on the front. I bounced. Didn't expect it to be a series. :DD Saying that though, there's always the rub of having to wait for the next one. Argh.
Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
I always recommend Neil Gaiman, cos his writing is amazing. And Terry Pratchett, of course.
How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author's last name, etc.?)
I used to just group them together by author, but then I moved to uni and back a lot, and then I needed a new bookcase, and then I had barely enough room for the ones I have, and now they're all higgledy piggledy, with books stacked in front of other books, and on top of other books, and in places no books should be found. It's killing me that I didn't have room to bring them with me. All I brought were two library books, so I have literally four books here that belong to me - the Charlie Brooker I got for £3 in HMV, a Death graphic novel Ed gave me, Night Shift, a short story collection by Stephen King that I'd lent to Ali and some Greek plays that Rob gave me. Sob.
Do you always finish the books that you start, or can you give up midway through?
It depends on whether it's rubbish. Mostly, I try and finish though. Except for those shitty Wheel of Time books. Man, that was a crap book,
Third: I wrote a poem for a writing sprint on TPM. It's Supernatural-inspired (LE GASP!!), and is below the next cut.
I throw back
my head. Rapture.
The tongue of angels
fills my ears. Gentle
whispers, splinters
of hope shatter
through me, and I'm
lost to white-hot sensation.
This flesh is no longer
my own, and I am lost.
Fifth (and possibly best): I got hold of the JDM porn and the MARK PELLEGRINO PORN clips, and I am going to spend a totally awesome evening watching (and LOLing at) them. :D Verdicts shall be posted!