Jun 12, 2011 18:07
Here's the second of my Black Lagoon ficlets. The theme is "tragedy." There are two other ficlets that link to it, which I'll post later. Previously posted on fanfiction.net.
Revy never figured on being the last one alive. She always thought she'd likely be the first to go, unless Rock perpetuated a greater-than-usual act of stupidity. She's certainly racked up enough killings and other deeds to merit an early death. But somehow she's the only one left standing, while the other three are all gone.
Dutch was the first to go. The best they could figure, it was a faulty grenade with a loose pin, in a box of them, that killed the boss. After that, the three of them struggled on alone, doing their best to keep the Lagoon Company going without him.
Then Benny went out to get some new cables for the computer and got run down by a car. Whether this was a random accident or revenge for some unspecified act they never found out, as he never regained consciousness.
After that it was just Revy and Rock, until the night the two of them went out drinking to try and forget a little bit and a gunfight broke out at the table behind them. It had nothing to do with either of them, but when Rock turned around to see what was going on a stray bullet hit him in the chest.
Revy took out the guy who'd done it, and his opponent for good measure. Not that it saved Rock. She'd tried to stop the bleeding, but it didn't work-she'd felt him shudder, and then go still. He'd died there, under her hands on the barroom floor.
Now Revy's all by herself, sitting on the end of the dock watching the sun sink into the ocean. She stares up at the seagulls wheeling in the sky, flips her cigarette into the water.
Then Revy Two Hands yanks both of her pistols from their holsters, places a barrel against each temple, and pulls the triggers as the sun goes down.
black lagoon