Feb 21, 2013 12:10
I have some facebook friends who regularly post photos of/statuses about their kids. Three of these people's baby photos/statuses fill me with irrational seething anger, while the rest just make me go "huh" or lol a bit. I couldn't figure out what the deal was with these three people, till I realized that these are the ones who have a sort of unconscious smarmy smugness about it, like they're thinking that their kid(s) are just so precious and wonderful and that everyone should adore them all of the time because they are clearly the best children that ever lived. The rest of the mommies on my fb just post random humorous crap or photos where something is actually happening and without captions like "she is just so precious today." Doesn't help that one is a massive hipster, one makes a great big deal about what a ~nerd~ she is, and the third has Superior Stay-At-Home-Mom Syndrome. I can get along with all three of them fine irl, but online....gah.
(Reason I don't block their feed/unfriend is that a) we do get along irl and b) I don't see any of them often, so this is the only way I can know what happens in their lives most of the time.)